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on the next day
at breakfast,
while everyone is
munching on
eggs and pancakes,
ej shares his
"brilliant" idea.

"can i be
h o m e s c h o o l e d?",
he asks.

his question makes
everyone go silent.
eva, his other sister,
drops her spoon
in her bowl of chia.
she doesn't eat gluten,
unlike her siblings.

renesmee interrupts
the silence.

"you're   n o t
going back
to school,
young man,"
jacob raises his voice.
"you have duties
in the pack."

ej tries to defend himself.
"but, dad! please!"

"i said no!",
jacob yells
and scares everybody.
shapeshifters tend
to not be able to
control themselves
most of the times.
if ej says anything else,
his dad might phase
in front of everyone
and hurt them.
so ej says nothing else.

thanks god
somebody from the family
always knows how
to patch things up.

"why don't we go
and visit your
asks renesmee
with a grin
and all her children
ej just fakes a laugh.

the twins sabrina and melissa
are going to spend time with
alice and rosalie.
jacinda will probably
practice her ability
with her uncles.
she is the only
child who has an
arya will show off
her dance moves to
her granny bella.
and eva will cook
with her great-grandma esme.
ej will attempt
to jam with his grandpa Edward.
the new generation
the oldies.
in a battle.
who is gonna win?

EJ [THE TWILIGHT SAGA]Where stories live. Discover now