Chapter 18

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"It's that bad?" Valerie says trying to comfort me.

"Bad? He was still trying to shut me out! I even told him how I felt, and he did nothing! He is still ignoring me!"

Valerie reaches into the pocket of her clothes and grabs a piece of bread. She hands it to me and I take a bite into it.

I sigh and look down at the deck.

I see Gibbs looking out to the sea.

I look out as well and I see a tiny little thing in the water.

It's a pod of whales swimming far to the left of the ship.

We won't hit them with our distance, but they are really interesting to look at.

"You know what? I'm just gonna go and take a nap." I say to Valerie climbing down from the crow's nest.

Valerie waves as I climb down the ladder.

Since Jack shut himself out in his room, I'm unable to enter to get to my own little bed he made for me.

So Gibbs had pulled out an extra hammock for me to use along with the rest of the crew. I sleep next to Valerie.

I go under the deck and I enter the empty room where we sleep.

I set up my hammock and sit inside it. After carefully lying down, I relax and close my eyes.

I eventually fall into a deep sleep.

*Time skip*

"All hands to deck now!"

I grunt as well as the rest of the crew as we tiredly walk up above deck.

I look and see Jack out of his cabin.

My poster gets a little straighter just to cross my arms and slouch while rolling my eyes.

Jack and I make eye contact, but I avert my gaze.

I remember that day very clearly.

"Alright men. I called you out here so I could tell you all this at once. Look over there." Jack says pointing to our left.

We look and see Africa far off in view.

"That lads, is Africa. And that means your worst fear is nearing. Sirens."

The crew murmurs and some get anxious.

"Within the hour we will pass their layer and I want every one of ya to prepare yourselves."

The crew listened to what Jack has to say.

"You are not allowed to leave the ship to join the sirens nor fall for their trickery, an I clear?"

"Yes Captain." I as well as the rest of the crew says.

"Again. Am I clear?"

"Yes Captain!" The crew shouts this time, and Jack scans us as we say so.

We make eye contact but I don't look away but rather I put on a fake confused look.

"What is is Captain?"

I emphasize "Captain" just a bit to make Jack squirm. I remember him telling me to call him Jack at the beginning of the voyage.

He does as I thought he would.

"Nothing." He says moving his gaze away and shifting his weight awkwardly.

The crew prepares ourselves and I find myself walking up to Valerie.

"We're probably gonna be controlling the ship for this part of the voyage..." I say hesitantly.

"Yep... sirens don't affect women. And we got a whole crew of men to keep from jumping overboard to their deaths." Valerie says.

"And how are we gonna do that?" I say.

"I don't know..."

A gust of wknd picks up and carries us faster towards the spot of doom.

Then I hear something.

It sounds like shrieking.

The men look over the railing to inspect as well.

As we get closer, it gets louder. And it sounds terrible.

I cover my ears as the sound seems like it could make my ears bleed.

But with the men it's a whole other story.

They are looking over the railings at the rocks swaying to the shrieks. One look at their faces sells it.

They have been taken by sirens.

I look to find Gibbs and I see him doing just the same. However I do see his keys dangling by his pants pocket.

I run up to him and snatch them. I find Valerie and J run up to her.

"Grab the men and throw them under the deck!" I shout out to her.

Even though she is covering her ears, she understands and starts to drag men by the wrists below deck. The smaller men were easier but the bigger men were a challenge.

They all struggle to get back above deck to find the sirens so Valerie was at the door keeping them from leaving while I brought men below.

I dragged some men by the ear pinching them hard to help snap them out of their trance just enough where I can better get them below deck.

I do the same for Gibbs.

I then turn to grab another man when I see Jack standing next to us bringing a man to the door.

"Jack?" I shout over the screams.

He ignores me and tosses the man into the rest of them. It makes a domino effect and makes the rest of the men topple down the steps.

I look over to Jack and shout.

"Captain, what are you doing?" I shout.

"What does it look like? I'm keeping me crew from getting eaten!"

"But whose steering the ship?!" I shout.

Jack then pauses and turns to me.

I look over at the wheel and see no one there.

"You idiot! You left the wheel! Get back up there!" I shout.

"(Y/n), you are gonna steer. You are one of the only women in the world who I'd trust my ship to."

I feel my heat skip a beat but I toss that little feeling overboard as I roll my eyes.

I run up to the wheel and take control of the ship and turn it in our proper direction but as far as possible from the sirens.

Jack tosses the last man below deck and Valerie slams the door and locks it shut.

She leans on the door and sighs in relief.

The shrieking is even louder and I look to the rocks and I see the hideous creatures.


But I look to Jack to see him looking at the creatures.

"Is there something wrong Captain?" I shout over the sirens,

"They are screaming right at me but I just hear shrieks!" He shouts back.

"Then you must be in love!" Valerie shouts to Jack.

"I'm in love?"

I feel my heartbeat start to quicken at the hope of that woman he loves to be me. But I shouldn't get my hopes up like that.

"If I had to bet, I bet it's that Angelica I was told about!" I shout to Jack.

He strokes his beard braids deep in thought.

"I wonder..." He says, except the sirens are so loud that I just read his lips instead.

Of the Land and the Sea (Jack Sparrow x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now