Chapter 2

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Starring at the clock, I began to find interest in the ticking.





All the way up to sixty.

The tickings must have had me more mesmerized than I thought because I hadn't realized the time even though I was staring at the clock for what felt like hours. It was 5:25, that meant I had forty five minutes to get up, take a shower, get dressed, and go down to breakfast. I turned and opened my mouth to greet the woman who should have slept next to me last night, but the reality stayed the same.

Sighing I lifted my self up and walked out of the room, into the living area and stopped outside a door. Lucy's. Her name was in big blue letters with fish on them. I shook my head remembering that only an empty room lay there with a messily made bed by clumsy toddler fingers, a few toys, a closet with clothes that will never be showcased by a cute little girl ever again.

I knew I couldn't look, and went to the bathroom. Slowly, I opened, then closed the door and was startled at what was staring me in the mirror. At one point, I was considered handsome, now, what stood before me was a hollow faced, pale, and dull eyed man. I guess it was true how my father would tell me how killing changes you. My father. I'd never known him to kill some one, only now did I understand what he meant when he couldn't tell me how my mother died. She too must have gone like my sweet wife and bright eyed daughter.

At least they have each other.

I turned the shower on and striped off my shirt. Rubbing my shoulder I winced, a bruise like circle lay on the blade. I remembered once again my father, and how he had a similar mark upon his back. I didn't know what it meant, but I didn't think much of it.

I freed my body from the rest of the clothing that grew tight from sweat. I flicked the shower on. When it grew warm, I hoped in and let the water take me to a deep thought only to be drawn out by a long drowning blare over the intercoms around the boats.

"All men to the deck. Captains orders."

I chuckled at that word, captain. This, captain, that never shows himself, orders all women dead, and won't speak to us directly. Never the less, I was bound to listen to him.

Orders were all I knew now.

Getting out, I dried my hair and discovered that clumps were falling out. Sighing I stopped messing with it and decided to worry latter. I threw on some clothes and made my way to the door. Before I even touched the door handle, I knew there was a commotion outside from the screaming.

I went out and saw a man ready to jump off the balcony and be taken by the shadows, yelling something about forgiveness and how he was bound for hell. Before I knew it, I was pulling him by his collar and back of his shirt. He tried to claw his way to the brim, but I held him until I saw he was pointing at the water.

"We did this. It is the blood of our wives, sisters, and daughters. It is what we caused and I'm bound by the demons of hell to join them." The crazed and regretful eyed man raged.

I looked over with the same eyes he had grown over the night and was shocked at the crimson that had replaced the cerulean water. I'd not known the shadows would cause this. Nothing could prepare me for this.

Soon I'd realized I was letting free tears fall from my eyes and my ship mates had joined me. We grieved together and someone had started up a round of the names of the lost ones. By the time it got close the names became audible and it was close to my turn.

"Georgia" a Scott accent cried, I knew it was Fred, his twin sister, Georgia came with him.

"Violet, Vivian" a broken voice rang that I thought was Ben.

"Mary, Lily, Darla" a deep voice monotoned.

It was now my turn. I chocked out a cry of

"Lisa." And then a short,


I sat and listened to short names of "Maddy."




And so on and so on.

Finally, I couldn't take it and I walked away, lingering my fingers on the side, soon being followed by the others. We approached the deck to behold a podium where are so called captain would speak. A man named Davey approached the podium and motioned for us to fill into the open area. As the last of us filed in, he began to speak, his voice a drone over the heads.

"Men, unfortunately the captain can't come out, but I am here to deliver what they wish for you to hear."

No one was surprised, the captain never comes about. Davey cleared his throat and began again.

"Some of you are going home, those some of you are the ones with black spots on your backs, they appeared through the course of the night. Some of you will not have these, you are the blessed ones, you will not be prayed on by the shadows. We have till tonight to get the ones with spots to land. And I warn you, never venture out to the water at you are home. You. Will. Die."


Short chapter, I'm hoping this book goes far, so comment anything you want to say. And go check out my other books if you want to, please. Love you guys <3


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