Chapter Three

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Annabeth's POV:

Chiron was crying and screaming. It was the scariest thing I ever saw, and that is saying a lot. But I understood why, Percy was like a son to him, and now he's gone. No more crooked smile, or messy black hair, or sea green, or Seaweed Brain comments, no more Percy. No more future we planned. These were my thoughts as we burned the sea-green shroud that ripple like the waves and had a blue trident. Even the flames were sea-green. Chiron, Thalia, Grover, Nico, Connor and Travis, and even Clarisse talked about Percy. I just stared at the flames, crying silently. Suddenly, it was my turn.

"I loved him. I always loved him, but I only told him in his dying moments. I will always love that Seaweed Brain, and I will always miss him. He's the bravest hero there ever was." I said, tears rolling down my cheeks.

I walked away and towards the beach, but on my way, I saw a boy with messy black hair and sea-green eyes smiling sadly, with a single tears rolling down his cheek. Then, the boy turned around, and disappeared into nothing.

Percy's POV:

I was always watching. I watched them say their goodbyes, I watched them tell my mom, I watched them burned my shroud. I would always be there to watch them. I walked around Elsyium, tears strolling down my cheeks, when Alecto came flying towards me.

"Lord Hades requests you come to his palace." she screeched.

I nodded, and started walking. Before I knew it, I was in the throne room.

I bowed.

"Uncle Hades."

"Rise, Percy," he said sadly.

"What is it Uncle?"

"I wanted to show you why you died. Why you are here so young when you shouldn't be." he said in calm fury.

Suddenly, black mist filled the air. It showed the Olympian throne room with all of the 13 Olympian gods.

"I have talked with Gaea, and she has offered a proposition to us. She will order the Giants and her armies to work to a lesser extent so that we have a chance of winning the war, if we give up one of the Seven. This hero will die in the final battle." Zeus stated.

"Me....they bargained me off?"

"Just watch, Percy."

The video sped forward to the voting.

"All in favor, raise your hand." Zeus asked.

Zeus, Hera, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, and Ares rose their hands.

"No surprises there." I muttered.

Hades chuckled.

"All opposed?" Zeus asked.

Hades, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, and Hephaestus raised their hands

My father didn't raise his hand either time. Weird.....

"Thank you, Uncle." I murmured.

He nodded his head, then pointed at the mist again.

"Poseidon, you have to vote." Zeus said gently.

My dad looked confused, like he didn't know what to choose.!

Suddenly it looked like my dad made up his mind.

"I vote we sacrifice Percy." he stated with no emotion.

"NO! NO HE COULDN'T HAVE!" I screamed, tears rolling down my cheeks.

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