Chapter Six

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Annabeths POV:

If I am nothing, why did I accomplish so much? I am Perseus Jackson. I fought and defeated Alecto, the Minotaur, Medusa, the Nemean Lion, and many other monsters. I am the guardian of the Ophiotaurus. I fought Atlas, Kronos, and you, Hyperion. I have fought Polybotes, Alcyoneous, and the other Giants. I fought and sent Gaea, Mother Earth herself, to Tartarus! I have done much, and I will continue to fight for Olympus until I meet death again. I am Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon. I am Percy Jackson, Savior of Olympus!"

"It can't be Percys dead I saw him die" i thought. I looked at Larry who had a worried face. I looked at Percy who was looking at me sadly I couldn't even look at him.
" But I can never have a future with him. He's dead. We did plan to have a life together, getting married, having kids. But that is never going to happen." , " What would you do if you had another chance with him. If he came back?", "I don't know. But nothing would happen because I'm married now. It wouldn't happen though, he's long gone." I told him.
                  End of Flashback
He was giving me a clue he wanted me to know it was him my seaweed brain. I wanted to run to him, hug him,kiss him, and judo flip him for leaving me, but I couldn't Because I was married. He got back to the fight with Hyperion. Larry ran of into his cabin and I followed him he must be hurt to see Percy again.
"He's back after I killed him he's back Gaea....." I heared some one say in the Poseidon Cabin. I heared a womans  voice that sounded familiar "well at least you got annabeth all you have to do is kill him again or suffer the consequences"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing , Larry his own brother killed Percy how could he. I felt Tears roll down my face. All I need is him. I need my seaweed brain back. I couldn't hear no morw , I ran to the beach were we used to hang out and sat on the warm sand and cried.

No one couldn't see me like this at a ton like this camp was under attack and I have to help. And then I'll tell everyone the truth.

Larrys POV:

He's alive no no no no NO!!!!! I can't belive this I ran to my cabin and I Iris message Gaea. Her face appeared and I told her. "He's back after I killed him he's back Gaea....." she new who I was talking about Percy Jackson.  "well at least you got annabeth all you have to do is kill him again or suffer the consequences".

" I'll kill him again all I need is Annabeths Invisibility hat and I'll kill him from behind" she nodded and I broke the Irus connection.
Percy POV:
I looked at Annabeth she looked hurt and broken I looked at her sadly. I keeped on fighting Hyperion. I hit  him in the eye with the tip of my sword causing his eye to bleed gold blood. I saw annabeth go after Larry after he ran to the Poseidon cabin. I knew it she dosent have any more feelings for me even though I still loved her she will always be with Larry not me.

Hyperion recovered from his stab in the eye and our swords clashed once again.

"You can't deafet me young hero, surrender now and I will give you to Gaea she will be born once again better than ever. You will die once again Percyus Jackson this time I'll make sure no one will remember you not even you precious Annabeth.

I am not going to let that happen not again I won't leave them not again.


I hold him to the ground and push my sword through his heart.

I look at the sky and A storm forms inside CHB, A  lightning bolt crashes from de sky and it hits Hyperion in the heart along with my father's trytent.

I look up and see my dad witha big smile on his face and hugs me. "I'm sorry son for everything" I nood. Hyperion dissolves into a pille of yellow dust.

Annabeth runs back and she looks like she has been crying. The seven looked at me amazed and confused. "JACKSON YOU ARE SOO DEAD" they yelled . I would of run but I wanted them to tackle me for just once.

I laugh " why didn't you tell us it was you". " I guess I needed to think  about
It and it's nice to see y'all and be back".

Larry starts walking up to me i wonder why He had his hand on his sword. "Nice to have you back brother". He hugs me.

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