Chapter 7

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Sashas p.o.v
The article is stressing me, im not ready to tell the public... not yet anyway. I pull up at shays house to see swarms of paparazzi standing around, how did they even find Shays address, before i open the door my phone goes off, its a random number from sweden.

"Hello?" I ask, i dont know why i picked up the phone. Im scared, who is this mystery caller. Screams fill my ear, it sounds like a 13 year old girl.

"Oh my god.. Is this Sasha Pieterse??" The person asks, my mind goes blank... someone has leaked my number.

"No sorry wrong number" i say before ending the call, oh god, things went from bad, to worse in a matter of minutes.

My phone rings again, this time from a number in china. I dont answer and throw my phone on the passenger seat. All the cameras flashing outside of shays house makes me sad, i feel so sorry for her, this is all my fault. I hear someone tapping on the window, i turn to see its shay. I let her in.

"What the fuck is happening?" I ask, she looks just as lost as i am, she pulls out her phone and shows me a tweet from hudson. Guysss, Sashas number is +1 (123) 456-7890, enjoyyyy x oh and Shays address is 1 two ave, three (a/n: idk i just made something up) my heart drops, how on earth could Hudson do this to me? To shay? Hes lost his mind.

Shay grabs my hand, and i only just now realise im crying, "babe, its going to be okay. We might have to stay in a hotel until all this blows over" she says, her voice so soft and sweet, i could listen too it all day.

"How are we going to get inside the house to pack our bags?" I ask, looking into her beautiful eyes, she smiles at me then lifts up to bags full of clothes, which i didnt notice she had.

"Ohhhh, good thinking babe" i say laughing and back out of the drive way, every person on shays front lawn look at the car, but lucky for us the windows are tinted. Shay intwines her fingures in mine as we drive, all i can do is smile.

Shay p.o.v
I watch Sasha while she drives, she looks so beautiful even when shes stressed. Im so lucky to have someone like her, shes amazing, i close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

"Babe... Wake up, we are here" i slowely open my eyes to see Sashas beautiful ones looking at me,

"Okay, okay, im up. Lets go" i say, she smiles a wide dorky smile, its cute. I take her hand and we walk into the golden coloured hotel. Its flash, the floor is black and white tiles and theres a red carpet up to the front desk looks so elegant and nice.

The lady at the desk smiles at us, her teeth are pearly white and her hairs a little grey, she has big bags under her eyes, "hello, welcome to the lost woods resort, how may i help you" her voice sounds a little fragile,

"Would we please be able to book a suite?" The lady starts looking through her computer, then smiles at me,

"Yes of course, theres just one avaliable, you and your friend are in room 2b" i look at sasha and she looks back at me, i could live in this moment forever.

"Thankyou, oh and one more thing" Sasha days, whats the one last thing? I think, Sasha looks at me and winks.

"This is my girlfriend, not just my friend" the lady laughs a little bit, i dont think she really cares or is interested to be honest. The guy behind us claps, we turn around, kiss, then bow. We start to walk hand in hand to our hotel room.

The room is big, theres a spa on the balcony outside, theres a chandelier and a double bed with a white duvet, the floor is tiles just like in the main room, theres a large tv on the wall, the veiw is amazing too.

"I love this" Sasha says, i turn around and look unto her eyes for a while, i pull her in and kiss her, our lips move in sync, she smiles and so do i.

A/N - okayy. So if your one of the like 2 people still interested in my book thankyou x im sorry havent been updating as school is stressful x this chapter is a bit longer then the other one so yeahhh x

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