Chapter 8

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Sashas p.o.v
I wake up to the sun shining in my face, and an angel sleeping next to me, her arms around me.  I kiss her forehead and hop out of bed.

Its a nice day today, birds a chirping and its really hot. I think today is the day we should tell our supporters. I wake Shay up by kissing her soft lips, "wake upppp" i say to her.

She slowely sits up "im awake im awake" her voice sounds soft and angelic, so cute. Shes my forever.

"I think its time we tell our supporters" she smiles then frowns, which confuses me for a bit.

"Before our parents?" I totally forgot our parents didnt know, but we owe our supporters this, they have been wanting this for so long.

"Yeah, i think our parents probably already know" shay smiles, and brushes a loose peice of my hair behind my ear.

"whatever you want" she says and kisses me. I open up twitter and tweet that im with shay and we are going live. Then i open up the instagram app and go live, within seconds it had 1 million viewers, comments moving so fast i cant read them.

"Heyyy im here with shay, and we have some pretty big news, which most of you probably know already" i smile at shay.

Shays p.o.v

"Unfortunately we couldnt tell you ourselves because some very horrible person told the media before we had the chance to say our story" i say, frowning at sasha, she looks down and nods. She turns off commenting so its just us, talking to them and saying our story.

"When i met shay, i was about 12, i remember thinking wow shes really pretty but nothing of it because i was 12" i smile at her, i never knew she thought that. I couldnt think that because she was 12, i did think that until i found out she was 12 though, she did not look her age at all.

"I remember when Sashie turned 18, how in love i felt but i felt sick, i was so much older than her and it felt wrong, but she was so mature that it felt right" sasha looks into my eyes and i almost get lost.

"When we kissed, even though it was acting, it felt so much more than just acting, i would start feeling butterflies and get all giddy and excited when i thought about the kissing scenes we had" sasha explained, i always felt that too.

"I always had the biggest school girl like crush on Sasha, everytime she came into my dressing room everything felt so exciting. It would brighten up my day, my mind would often wonder onto thoughts like marrying and having kids with sasha" i explain and sasha grabs my hand.

"Shay is my everything, i dont know what i would do without her. We hope you can stay on this journey with us because we love your support more than anything" I watch Sashas lips move as she talks, shes so perfect.

"We are going to enable comments now so you can ask us questions and we will try and answer as many as possible" i look over to sasha and she turns on the comments.

Where would you be without Sasha?

"I would be miserable and lonely" i say, smiling over at my beautiful girlfriend im glad to call mine.

Will you guys get married

Sasha laughs "well, probably, who knows lets see where the future takes us" sasha is so cute i swear, i definately hope we get married.


"Alright guys only time for one more question" i say looking over at sasha too see if shes okay with that, she gives me a smile so i guess she is.

What do you see in your future with shay? Sasha?

She pulls a cheesy grin "i see kids, however many shay wants, and i see us growing old together, maybe even a trip to paris" we smile and end the live stream, i feel complete.

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