Chapter 4

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I wake up in a sweat crying to myself. That's the weirdest dream I've ever had. Then I realized something. I still feel the breathing on my neck. The clock reads 3:39 am. Why in the hell am I awake and who's next to me. I pull myself away from whoever is on my bed and yelp as the grip on me gets tighter and pulls me closer. I can't get off the bed or out of the persons grip. "What are you doing? Go back to bed. It's only me, Alex." I recognized the voice. The same man who hurt me previously was now spooning me. This time my sobs were silent. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry lets just go back to bed." He pulled me all the way to him as close as I could. Me being 5' 3" and him being probably 6' 4" made him significantly taller and bigger than me. "Ar... Are you here to hurt me? Are you going to drink from me?" I turn around to face him and he had a shocked expression. "Is that how you think of me? Shut up and go to bed now. You've pissed me off." He pulled me into his chest yet again placing his chin above my head. He was cold. "Why are you cold?" I asked him. "It's normal after I've eaten. Your body heat will warm me up. Which is why I laid here next to you. " Then, against all my nerves were telling me. I pulled my arms up to my chest and put one of my legs between his. I easily drifted to sleep for a few hours and woke up to an amazing and familiar scent... FOOD! I forgot I didn't eat last night and I smelt bacon and pancakes. I open my eyes and the door opens and it's the maid. I look next to me and he's gone. "He's draining one of the pigs right now." I just looked at her before what she said hit me. "Oh... Okay." I took the tray from her and she left the room, leaving the door open. This surprised me but I ate the food expecting someone to close it. But as she vacuumed the hallway outside I realized I was free to explore the mansion. I walked into a library on the third floor. I've already spent at least an hour walking the floors maybe two. I picked out two books. "Huh, I wonder how old he is. He's so classic. The Odyssey? I don't think I've ever read this but I will. Romeo and Juliet? Oldie but a goodie." I sat down on an old fashion chair and curled up and read. After finishing R+J and being halfway into the Odyssey I heard someone cough and I immediately spun my head around to see him. "Alex, how long have you been standing there?" He smirked. "Maybe 15 minutes but when you've been alive for 261 years and aren't going to die unless you killed it only feels like a few minutes. " Did I hear him right? "Did you say you're 261 years old?" He nodded," Yea I did. "Oh wow." I said closing the book. "Those are great books. You have great taste." He said walking up to me. He stretched out his arm and offered me his hand. I forgot while reading I had Debussy on in the background. "Come on, dance with me. I love Debussy." I accepted his hand and stood up to dance. The gown I had on was gorgeous and a deep purple. "I guess I have good taste. You look absolutely stunning." While dancing I made it clear I was nervous but he clearly just wanted to bond with me. It took me a while to see that it was already getting dark outside. I had eaten in between books so I wasn't hungry. "Sorry for scaring you last night. It wasn't my intention. Tonight I want to sleep with you." I pushed him away with a look of disgust, interrupting our box step dance. "I meant to literally sleep. I'm not an asshole. If I wanted it I would tell you I want to have sex. And I do. Just not yet." He then grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. "... So dance with me. Vanessa. Please?" I started box stepping again and we danced.

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