Chapter 2

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     He used the stairs and carried me up 8 flights like it was nothing. This house must really be huge. He opened a chestnut brown door and carried me inside. Of course I still struggled and was screaming. "If you don't shut up I'll kill you right now in my arms." I sniffled and struggled to get out when he dropped me down onto something. It was metal and cold. That's it. He was going to kill me and I couldn't stop him. He used some sort of straps to strap my neck, wrists, ankles, and thighs down onto the table. I started crying profusely. I even started begging, "Please! Please don't kill me! I'll be quiet! I'll be good! Please!" Some of my pleas were partial screams at first. Then he pulled out a small jar and a needle and told me to stay still or else it would hurt worse. Now I was full blown screaming. I begged even louder now. "You'll be quiet if you want a chance to live!" His voice was loud and serious as he yelled at me. I was quiet now. Still whispering 'please'. I felt a needle putting something into my neck but then it all went numb. I knew it was still bleeding but I wanted to live. He left whatever was in my neck in there for a few minutes while getting something out of a drawer and sitting back on his rolling stool. It was clear this was a medical room of sorts. Maybe he was doing a blood extraction for easier access. Something was going in and out of my skin for a few moments. Then he said, "Alright I'm done. 3 stitches for each hole." I'll have to take them out at some point. Sorry my hired Doctor isn't in right now. He's on vacation for 2 weeks with his family." I looked at him. My chest was jumping up an down from crying. He unstrapped me from the table. I sat up and jumped of the table backing towards the door. "Your room is on the seventh floor. Make yourself at home. I'll bring you there." I very slowly followed him down the stairs and down the hallway for what seemed like forever. This door was very similar but had an ever more red than the one upstairs. "This is your room. Don't even try to escape or I'll rip those stitches out of your neck and bleed you dry. One of my butlers will bring you food and something to drink and a maid will take your clothes and bring you new ones. Don't come out of here." I stepped into the room and the door was slammed and locked behind me. I took a long look around the room. The walls and wood floorboards were dark and the bed had deep red sheets that matched the carpet and the curtains. The only light was a chandelier will bulbs so dim it barely helped. So I turned on a light on a bedside table that provided more light. I looked inside the drawers to the bedside tables... Nothing. The walls were empty and the drawers had nothing in them. The connected bathroom wasn't much better. Dark tiles on the floor and halfway up the walls. The shower bath in one was the lightest thing I'd seen. It was off white. I turned on the light and used the restroom, showering as well, being careful around my neck. I heard a knocking at my door a few moments after I was done and a female voice calling, "Miss? My master told me to get you new clothes and the chef asked me to find out what you want to eat and drink for the butler to deliver. I dropped the towel on my head and kept the one on my body on. "You can open the door and leave the clothes on the dresser." I said. "Okay Miss, I will." When she opened the door she had a box. "What is that?" I asked. "Oh the master wanted you to have several outfits not just one." I just sighed and opened the box. "Thank you. And tell the chef I'll eat just about anything except tomatoes." I took a shirt and sweat pants out of the box after she shut and re-locked the door. I put them on and looked through the box. "Should I be surprised? It's only dressed." I shook my head and laid down on the bed underneath the covers. This was it. This was the day my life ended...

... But also where my new one started.

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