Video recorder

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I press play and it begins
The films of my life, my childhood
The beginning of all that I am
All that is me

Love and smiles
And hugs and happiness
Everyone's so different and yet
So familiar

Then we skip to the hardship
The depression and the anger
So much resentment
No more love and smiles

Nevertheless, I persist in a pursuit
I laugh and try to keep
All that is broken

So young I was
So naive
That I thought a relationship could be saved
By a simple flick of a cameras switch

But now, that camera lies before me
The same one that has seen so much,
It's seen heartbreak, marriages, births,
All in one little piece of machinery

It carries hundreds of stories,
Thousands of memories,
Millions of emotions
All In one little piece of machinery

There we are
All of us
Together, not together

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