Chapter One: Running

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I was your cure and you were my disease, I was saving you, but you were killing me.

I started running as fast as I could from my old stronghold, three zombies chased after me as I ran. Runners from the way they moved, and from what I could tell with them mindlessly running after me, they were all ferals.

I had a nagging suspicion that I had something more following in the shadows but I was to preoccupied by the Runners to care much at the moment. I kept running in the hopes they would tire of chasing after me and meander somewhere else but, much to my disappointment, they kept following me and I was out of breath while slowing down drastically. I would have to fight them soon.

When they were within distance, I grabbed the one weapon-like thing I had off my backpack and swung around at full force with it, hitting one on the head with a sickening crack, sending him flying into the second one. The one Runner was too confused to get back up and I quickly swung again at the third as it lunged for me, hitting it in the head and sending it flying away with another loud crack.

I watched then for a few seconds to make sure they wouldn't get up again before continuing to head South of the old stronghold, to where I knew a few other strongholds were. My stronghold had been overrun by zombies. I was the only one I know to have escaped alive and kicking.

I stopped to check my bag to see what I had. Some clothes, cans of food, one water bottle, a sleeping bag, and a crowbar that I had used to attack the Runners chasing after me. 'I knew the horde was coming, why didn't I pack ahead?' I thought, internally facepalming at my own stupidity.

I had known for over half a day that it was going to happen. I didn't necessarily know when exactly it would happen, only that this particular prophecy would happen sometime in the near future. I didn't even attempt to pack ahead though because for one, it probably would've caused suspicion, and for two, honestly, I thought I would've had more time then a little over a half a day.

I packed up my stuff again and continued on until It was nearing nightfall, when I decided to look for a place to stay. Not exactly the smartest decision considering Nightstalkers might be coming out early or I might not find a place to stay, but it was the decision I had made nonetheless.

I looked in the forest to my left for a place to stay since the clearing to my right obviously had none. I gave up searching when I almost couldn't see anything anymore and quickly climbed a tree to see if there was a good place to stay for the night and if there was any zombie nearby.

When I didn't see anything, I started looking for a good branch to sleep on. I managed to find a good resting spot on the tree so I wouldn't fall off and wouldn't be seen well. I put my sleeping bag on as quietly as possible, checked my surrounding area as best as possible again, and drifted off to sleep.

Pain, horrid pain engulfed me as he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed, his much stronger body squishing mine to the point I couldn't move so I didn't lash out and hurt somebody. His snarl ripped through his chest deep, low, and powerful as a warning for me to stop. "I can't do that." I whispered, and continued to struggle against his arms in vain.

His grip tightened, squeezing me harder until I couldn't breathe. My body started shaking from the pain and I choking for air until I stopped moving altogether and flopped uselessly in his arms, black snaking in from the corner of my eyes. He loosened his grip tremendously when he realized what he was doing and I gasped for air in relief and sagged against his arms as I sucked in air.

I woke up with a start and fell from the tree I was in, hitting the ground with a thud and groaning from the pain. I looked around and realized that it was just a dream. 'No, that had to be a prophecy, it was too real.'  I thought, picking myself off the ground and scanning my surroundings for danger or something for breakfast. It seemed like it'd be a later prophecy, maybe in a few months of more.

'But, where was the zombie if that was a prophecy? The only other person there was that...' "Oh," I whispered, "He was a zombie?" I flashed through parts of the prophecy, realizing that he had snarled and that he was way to strong to be human. 'Man, sometimes I can be a real idiot.' I shook my head and packed up my sleeping bag, starting my journey back up and keeping a sharp eye out for zombies or something to eat.  

 Thanks for taking time to read my story and biggest thanks to CrystalScherer for allowing me to make this story, it wouldn't be possible without you. I hope out of all people you get the best experience from it. Happy Camping!

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