Updates on the Story

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Guys, I an sooo sorry and upset to tell you that I have to postpone the story as of right now, I've been super busy and it hasn't gotten any better since that week I had to take off. Don't worry, I will still write the story, I just won't update anymore chapters until the story is complete. 

Check Up

Hello everyone! I'm alive, I swear. I'm so sorry I've been gone so long, life has been in the way so much that I barely have even had time to look at this story, and i'm sure it's about to get even more hectic with college on the way, Just thought I'd make this update to let you guys know that I'm alive and that I am working on the story, however slowly. I've learned a lot in the time I've been gone so hopefully my story quality will get even better as I write on it again, I really want to get it done for you guys as soon as I can because you all deserve it after how hard this year's been for everyone, I really hope to see you all soon again with the story actually done, thank you for being patient with me and my inadequacies as a writer. Please comment down below how you're doing! I'd love to make sure you're all doing alright and chat with you all, I miss you! 

AH I'M GETTING DISTRACTED WITH THIS I MUST WRITE... Anyways, Happy Camping and hopefully I can see you all again before 2020 ends, no promises though.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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