Chapter Seven: Thoughts

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To never open those precious things would almost be a sin, but that's what we all are isn't it?

Alex's POV
A few minutes after Anthony had finished his sentence, Ashley's eyes filled with realization. Her eyes flashed to meet mine before whispering, "The Prophecy." Her eyes dulling until they were completely matte. She was looking at me but at nothing, her eyes slowly closing as time went on before raising her hands to her temples, massaging them while muttering things to soft for me to hear. The three of us sat there looking at each other, not sure what to do.

Brad looked at us and said, "Do either of you know what's happening or understand what she said cause I don't."

Anthony shook his head before turning to me, I had known her the longest. "I don't know why or what she's doing." I said, looking back at her and thinking about what she had said until it finally clicked, her power.

"I think I understand what she said, and maybe why she said it." That got their attention, and they quickly turned to me, ready for what I had to say. "She has this ability... She didn't really explain it but from what I know she can see the future somewhat, I'm not sure if it's one of those definitely going to happen futures or if it's a possible future or something like that, again she didn't really explain it but she did mention it started about when the virus did and that they had gotten longer ever since they started."

They looked completely stunned and I still felt stunned, it was a hard thing to wrap your head around, almost as hard to wrap around as a "future gut feeling".

"So is she seeing the future right now or what?" Brad asked, looking back at Ashley.

"I don't know, I don't think I've ever seen her when she does it. Maybe we should just call her name and see if she reacts or anything." I looked at the other two for confirmation before calling, "Ash, hey Ash, Ashley."

Just as I was about to call her name again she spoke, "What?" I flinched, not expecting her to respond and because her voice sounded different, not entirely her, something else hiding within.

I shook my head before replying, "Ash, look at me."

"Why?" She asked again, the strangeness in her voice lessening.

"Ash, look at me."

"No." She replied, her hands dropping into her lap.

"Ash, look at me." I said again, waiting for her response.

She sighed grumpily before responding, "Fine." and snapped her eyes open, looking me directly in the eyes, though she probably didn't know that. "What?" She asked tilting her head ever so slightly.

"What were you just doing?"

"I was thinking, why?" She asked, looking confused.

"Well... after Anthony finished talking you looked at me, and then you started acting strange." I responded, giving her a look that silently asked if she was okay.

Her face tinged with pink, embarrassed she said, "Oh, sorry I must have been thinking deeper then I thought." she rubbed the back of her neck and looked away,  into the woods. "So what did I do?"

"It doesn't matter, so what were you thinking about?"

"I was thinking about how to not die, I didn't come up with anything though, you got any ideas?"

"Well, since you have the abilities you have, can you explain them so we can understand, because you never really explained. It would be the most beneficial because four brains are better then one, or two."

She looked very displeased about it but after a minute she spoke. "Well, as you know the visions or prophecies started about when the zombie virus did, actually a bit before it did, seeing as how it foretells the future and all. They started out as brief flashes when I slept, I thought they were just dreams before those same spinets happened months later, causing serious déjà vu , at first I mentioned it felt like I had done this before, then later on I realized that I had dreamed about them months before they happened. The prophecies, as I call them, continued and slowly gained in length until whenever I have one, it is either most of or all of the night. They have only happened while I'm sleeping so far and I can't really control when it's happening, if it's happening, or what time in the future or anything like that. It always has something to do with me and at least one zombie. When it is I don't know either but sometimes it is easier to guess then others. Like my most recent one, I'm guessing that's in a month or two from the looks of it but I can't be sure because I couldn't see outside the building. It could be earlier then predicted for all I know, or even later, which is what I'm predicting now, because of the capture and all, I'm sure you understand, I know I kind of do now."

We were all silent after that, mulling the information over and trying to come up with an idea that would help save her life.

I am making a slight story branch off that will only be the story at the top of every chapter so keep an eye out for that. I'm also thinking of starting another story at the top soon, so leave some quotes in the comments and I might pick one to use later on! Happy Camping!

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