Chapter Five: Unanswered

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The boat hit the shore three days after, to each of us our own page chapter, and saved were we by the dynasty of new revelations.

I woke up to Alex slowing down his pace. When did I fall asleep? I looked around at my surroundings, making sure we were clear. "Why are we slowing down? Are we nearly there?"

"Yes, we're nearly there." He said, turning his head to look at me, "How was your nap?"

I gave him a look and said, "I didn't even know I was asleep until I woke up, how long was I out?"

"Long enough."

"That's not an answer, how long is 'long enough'?"

He smiled in amusement before answering, "Let's see here, since about... an hour before sunset if I recall correctly."

I looked at him, shocked, "What time is it now?" I showed him my arm with a watch on it, waiting for him to read it.

"Um," He said, turning his head from side to side to try and read it, "Oh, it's just about seven in the morning." He grinned even wider in amusement before saying, "Man, I guess you were tired, though I don't know why because I was doing all the work."

Shocked did mean my humor left me, so I replied, "You have no idea how much work I've actually been doing while you've been carrying me around. Oh, you know what, I discovered a magnificent thing. I call it, 'Gravity'. It's the thing that keeps us from not flying away from the Earth. Pretty cool, right?"

Alex looked highly amused and I couldn't keep myself from smiling, "So, Einstein, what is this theory you have for this 'Gravity' I've heard you talking all about?"

"Not Einstein, Alex, Sir Isaac Newton. Didn't you take 4th grade science?" It was my turn to start snickering. "You know, I can almost forget that you're a zombie and that you captured me for whatever nefarious plot you have."

He went serious then, the light mood we had just moments ago gone. "It's not nefarious, I'm trying to save your life."

"And capturing me against my will saves my life how?" I asked, not really holding my breath for an answer he wouldn't give me earlier.

"I can't answer that, which is one of the reason's why we're in this situation."

"So you don't even know how my life's in danger, you just know it's in danger. That's helpful." I looked at the sky in deep thought, mulling the newest information over. I was in danger somehow, but I didn't know the how which is what I needed. My captor who told me I was in danger didn't elaborate either, whether it be because he didn't know or he didn't want to tell me was a complete guessing game, especially with a zombie.

"I never said that I didn't know, only that I can't answer your question." He huffed in annoyance, trying to keep his previously unrestrained growling to a minimum.

"That's not helpful unless you tell me why I'm short on time! Or at least how long I have because according to me, I at least have a few months to live." He was outright growling at this point and even though I pretty much couldn't, I was right there myself.

"How in the world would you even know that?" He nearly shouted, frustrated with me.

"On the contrary, how would you know?" I spoke quietly, not wishing to shout at him, it'd probably hurt his ears if I did. After a minute of silence I spoke again, answering his question, "I have my ways of knowing, and unlike you I will admit that I know at least that much."

He stopped running and looked at me like I had a third eye. "You know you're going to be alive for the next few months?" Almost all traces of anger left his voice, instead it was replaced with curiosity and disbelief.

"Um, I'm kind of guessing because it doesn't really give me a time but I can see it was in a building which I'm guessing is a stronghold. It's easier to tell with some of them, and harder with others. I suppose It's longer now since the capture." I inwardly chastised myself for speaking of prophecy.

"So you can see the future? You were being serious?" He set me down and turned to me, completely stunned at that point.

"I... can in some sense, I guess... It's complicated." I looked away from his gaze, trying to avoid the subject in vain.

"How long have you been able to?"

"Ever since the zombie virus started, at first they were seconds, but as time went on they've gotten longer. Can we please not talk about this anymore?"

"No, you can see the future, that's huge! Can you tell the future right now?"

"No, it's not like that... I'm not going to explain it to you, don't take offence, I've never explained it to anyone and I'm not about to start now." He growled in frustration, clearly dissatisfied with my answers and started walking away from me in the direction we were heading before he had stopped. I quickly followed after him, not wanting to get lost.

"For a captor, you're doing a horrible job." He huffed at my comment but continued walking and I followed to wherever he was taking me.

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