Lesson 9. Resistance

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Clemence's eyes were on her lap, her fingers picking at a frayed piece of cotton that was unravelling from the flouncy white shirt Erin had let her borrow. What had started as a quiet night in, catching up on school work had turned into a night out, first for dinner before Erin managed to wangle them into a small bar, despite having no ID.

Clemence cupped her glass with one hand, the other taking the straw and slowly stirring it around, watching the ice cubes bob up and down in the liquid. It was some cranberry juice and vodka concoction and Clemence had picked it in hopes that it was one of those drinks bartenders served in which they hide the skimpy amounts of alcohol through layers of pungent fruit juices. She was trying to draw out her one glass, as Erin was already on her second drink and keen to order more, despite them both having school in the morning.

The glass was cold under her palm and Clemence felt her head swim under the low thumping music and indistinct chattering.

She looked up at Erin, who was sucking on her straw whilst her hands held her phone, her attention solely on the screen.

Clemence watched as pulsating lights illuminated Erin's face the different colours, highlighting different features.

A red light accented her lips.

A blue light flashed over her cheekbones.

An orange light gleamed in her eyes.

Erin looked up, catching Clemence staring and gave a small smile. 'Sorry, I'll get off of this.' She tucked her phone away in her pocket.

'It's fine.' Clemence muttered, eyes looking off over Erin's head as she absentmindedly stirred her drink.

Clemence watched a couple sidled up to each other, faces pressed together, cheek to cheek as they laughed, hands on shoulders and waists, the lights revealing lingering looks and playful touches.

'Are you okay?' Clemence looked back at Erin who was watching her with concerned eyes. 'You seem out of it.'

'Yeah I'm just...' Clemence began to nod before sighing. 'I'm tired and I have a 9am tomorrow, I don't think this was the best idea.'

'Oh come on Clem, live a little.' Erin rolled her eyes, flashing her friend a playful grin before it faltered, realizing that Clemence wasn't smiling back. 'Okay, you've got a point. I'm sorry, I just wanted to get out of the house, I got a bit carried away. I'm sorry, let me finish this and we can head off soon.'

Clemence finally returned Erin's apologetic smile before taking a big sip of her drink.

'This is quite nice actually.' Clemence remarked, swishing her drink around a few times before taking another sip.

'You French and your alcohol.' Erin grinned.

Clemence scoffed playfully. 'Please, I wouldn't be caught dead drinking this sort of stuff in front of my family.'

'Yeah right, how old were you again when your mum was encouraging you to neck back the wine.'

Clemence laughed, a full bubbly laugh, remembering how Erin has been astounded that she began drinking wine with her dinners at a very young age.

'Do you miss it?' Erin asked.

'What, alcoholism?'

'Ha ha. No, France...your family there. Is it hard coming going back and leaving every year?'

'Mmmm.' Clemence tilted her head, thinking about it. 'In some ways. I miss my family. It's a more... quiet way of living other there, I guess you could say but there's just always people around me, it's never actually quiet. There's not much to do... but then there's always something to do with everyone being around. It's nice. I do miss it.'

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