Lesson 17. Expectations

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'Why is it so cold?' Clemence wiggled her shoulders, shuddering and giggling as Erin's fingers worked their way across Clemence's face, smearing the thick clay-like substance across her skin.

'I don't know,  i think the ingredients go funny if you don't keep it in the fridge.' Erin shrugged. 

'What's it supposed to do again?' Clemence asked, cross legged and sitting patiently as Erin knelt in front of her to apply the face mask.

'Something about brighter, youthful skin, i dont know, makes us hotter hopefully.' 

Clemence rolled her eyes as Erin huffed. 'Your hairs coming out, it's getting in the way, hold on.'

Clemence watched her friend disappear into the bathroom, playing with the ends of her hair, which Erin had been playing with during the movie they watched earlier and somehow settled on adorning Clemence with two pigtails. Clemence had scoffed at her reflection, going to untie her hair before Erin pouted, proclaiming that Clemence looked cute. Clemence had decided not to touch them.

Erin returned with two pink fuzzy headbands, complete with cat ears, and Clemence raised an eyebrow.

'Shush.' Erin warned before Clemence opened her mouth. 'I told you, this is proper girl time.' 

Clemence stuck her tongue out as Erin knelt down, pushing the headband gentle up her face and gathering the strands of loose hair. Erin tugged on one of the pigtails playfully before applying the mask to the rest of Clemence's forehead.

'Okay, all done, my turn!' Erin grabbed her own headband to push her hair out of her face, grinning at Clemence widely.

Clemence scooped a lump of the mask out of the pot before dumping it unceremoniously onto Erin's cheek,laughing as Erin spluttered and hit her.

'Don't be a brat!'

Clemence mocked her, earning a laugh before she calmed down, returning the favor to carefully cover Erin's face.

It was quiet, the air was warm and still, the setting sun casting a pink and orange glow across the living room,  soft light on their skin. Clemence could hear Erin's soft breathed, close to her best friend's fair skin and pastel cheeks, could see the spatters of freckles across Erin's nose and the peach fuzz on her upper lip.

'It's so nice to spend some time, just us two.' Erin said softly and Clemence smiled. 'I miss how it was when we first met...it felt more simple. I haven't seen you laugh as much as you have today in a very long time. It sucks to see you so upset and on edge lately, it hurts me when you're hurting.'

Clemence looked into her friend's pale eyes, sincere and gentle and Clemence felt a pang in her chest, the light shifting across Erin's face, illuminating. Clemence missed it too. She missed the ignorance and naivety. Erin used to be on a pedestal for Clemence, heads and shoulders above anything Clemence could ever reach. Clemence knew she had grown distant slightly, seen the pedestal wobble,seen Erin falter. But maybe it was her own fault....Clemence would consider this. No one was perfect. Clemence should have never wished her to be so.

'I love you Clem, you know that don't you?' Clemence paused as Erin took her free hand, looking at her intently. 'You're family. No matter what. You're my sister.'

'I love you too Erin.' Clemence said softly, a thickness in her throat that made her uncomfortable. 'Uh, the mask is drying, quick, let me finish.' Clemence quickly said, averting her eyes.

'When's Abi home?' Clemence asked after a few moments of silence. 

Erin grinned. 'Oh, she's not home tonight.'

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