A book in which I will probably roast myself into depression and become the one thing I hate, a hypocrite, just to give out a few writing and cover tips.
Ok, I'm a pretty terrible teacher, but I'm going to attempt to get this down pact ok? These are just a few apps that have literally saved my life when it comes to my covers even though they still could use a great deal of improvement.
Before we get started let me explain what something is.
PNGs or Renders, are basically pre cropped pictures that are a blessing to us humans. They're definitely a time saver, so if you just google "Roman Reigns PNG" only about, let's say a million will pop up. USE THEM OR MAKE YA OWN IT SAVES TIME.
Here we go.
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1. Superimpose- in the words of my mom, this is a bad app. And by bad, I mean amazingly spectacular. Yes I realize it cost a tiny bit of money, and if your anything like me, you always stay broke, BUT it's worth it, I promise. It's a bit hard to work at first but you'll get the hang of it.
Phonto- ever wonder "what app did they get that font from?" ITS THIS APP. You can download/add any font you want to here and I'll show you how in just a minute.
PicsArt- I use to use this app often and now I can barley work it... but it's the best app to use if you aren't using Superimpose.
Wattpad Covers- it just fits the cover just right so your know where you can place the words. I suggest just uploading a sample picture to that app then saving it, then color/put a black imagine over it and save that. Then you'll always have the perfect wattpad cover size.
Photogrid- ehhhhh, its good for collages. I don't use it a great deal, but it's still a good app.
Polarr- best filters app on planet earth. Make your own filers, adjust brightness, exposure, even upload premise filters that can be found on Instagram.
OPTION #1: google the font name and it should appear within a website, but it may or may not let you download it.
OPTION #2: go to www.dafont.com and download some of the MILLIONS that they have. Most all are free to use.
Here are a few of my favorites:
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1. Above 2. Adam 3. Amethyst 4. Angelface 5. BankGoth (this is the font they use for the Hunger Games. I believe I had to search around for this one for a while) 6. Bebasneue 7 &8. Bignoodletitling/ Oblique 9. Cinzel-Regular 10 & 11: Code-Bold/Light 12: Edition Regular 13. Exodus 14. Hacked 15. LemonMilk 16. Rebel Heart 17. Southern Aire 18. The constellation of Heracles 19: Xtreem Thin
*IMPORTANT: I will not be showing tutorials of how to use these apps. I suggest looking at other book cover tips such as @-voidallison. Everything I learned came from there. I put my own twist on things, but all credit goes to her.*