6: Hard to Hide

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6 months pregnant, it's really hard to hide. I'm laying with Willson at our house, Javy still lives with Willson but I moved in and we all three got a 5 bed house so there's room for the baby and a couple extra rooms. I'm laying in mine and Willson's bed and I come across an article:

Is Cubs' Contreras Girlfriend Pregnant?:

Chicago— Willson Contreras and his suspected girlfriend, AJ Maddon, daughter of Cubs manager, Joe Maddon, were seen walking through the streets of Chicago, late Monday morning, the places they were seen at include:
•A number of baby stores
•Panera Bread
•Wrigleyville Sports
•JC Penney
And others. Contreras and his girlfriend seem to be expecting a little one soon as she looks pregnant.


"What the fuck!?" I exclaimed, pissed off.   

"Willson!" I yell.

Footsteps come running to mine and Willson's bedroom.

"What's wrong? Willson went to go pick up the crib and took Anthony with him." Javy comes in.

"I've gotta talk to someone from WGN News." I handed him my phone.

Javy reads it.

"What the hell?! That's Stalking Baseball Players 101." Javy said.

"I know. I'm so pissed." I groaned. "Javy! Come help us with the crib!" Willson's voice booms from downstairs.

I'm literally crying now, I follow Javy downstairs.

"Babe what's wrong?" Willson rushes over to me.

"I-I-" I can't even finish the sentence. "WGN is in some deep ass shit." Javy said.

"What? Why?" Willson asked.

I hand him my phone, crying into Anthony's chest while Willson reads the article.
"I'm pissed." Willson said. "Me too." I replied.

Next day, we go to Wrigley, as we walk in, we're called to my dad's office.

"Shut the door." My dad said.

I shut it then sit on Willson's lap. "In a chair, AJ." Dad said, sternly.

I sit in the chair next to Willson, he grabs my hand and I can tell he's nervous.

"What makes you think it's okay to date one of my players, AJ?! And same goes for you, Willson. What do you think gives you the right to date my daughter?!" Dad is beyond angry.

We don't respond. "I'm benching you for 2 games, Contreras." Dad said.

"Dad you can't do that!" I exclaimed, standing up, forgetting I'm in a tight shirt and shorts, and I'm 6 months pregnant. "You're pregnant?! When the fuck were you gonna tell me?!" Dad screamed.

"I-I d-don't k-know." I cried into Willson's chest.

"I can't believe you went behind my back and dated each other when I specifically told you no dating my daughter. I told all the players no dating my daughter and I told you, AJ, no dating my players. Contreras, we will be moving that benching to 6 games now. Get out of my office before I smack ya." Dad said.

We leave his office, the guys all look at us when we walk out of dad's office.

"AJ you're pregnant?!" Arrieta yells. "Yeah." I looked down.

"Whoa." Almora said. "Yup." I sit on Willson's lap who's sitting in his spinny chair.

"Congrats!" Ben yelled.

Jesus Christ this clubhouse is hyper.

"Contreras, AJ. I thought I told you to leave?" Dad comes out of his office.

"That's up to Theo." I smirked.

"Yeah, and I say you can't bench Contreras just because he's dating and knocked up your daughter. You can't punish him for that." Theo said.

"Aw thank you, Uncle Theo." I hugged Theo. I think of him as my uncle.

He's my fave. I can tell dad is pissed. Oh well, he decided to be a douche about it. I just can't wait to find out the gender of my baby.

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