8: What Is Baby Contreras?

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I wake up at 7:45 to shower and get dressed. After I shower and brush my teeth, hair and put it up in a messy bun, I put on a random Cubs shirt, a pair of black PINK leggings and I wake up Willson.

"Babe, if you wanna come find out the baby's gender with me, you gotta get up." I shake him.

"Help me up." Willson yawns.

I grab his hand and he gets up.

"Morning, Beautiful." He smiles, kissing me.

"Ew, morning breath." I step back.

He makes kissy faces coming towards me.

"Ew! No! Go brush your teeth!" I try not to speak too loud cause Javy is sleeping still in the other room.

"But babyyyy I love youuu." Jesus Christ, his morning voice is hot, his morning breath is not.

"Go brush your damn teeth." I push him toward the bathroom.

He goes and brushes his teeth, he changes clothes and he sprays his cologne that I love so much.

"Better?" He breathes in my face and then kisses me.

"Yeah." I laugh.

I squat down and grab my shoes that are by the bathroom door. I know for sure I won't be able to but my shoes on. Ugh I'm so fat. 7 months pregnant and just now finding out if our baby is a boy or a girl. I sit on our bed and try to put my shoes on.

"Babe!! Can you help me? My fat belly doesn't allow me to put my shoes on easily." I ask.

Willson laughs and takes a pic of me.

"Delete it!" I demand. Do you think Willson deleted it? Nope! The fucker tweeted it! Remind me to get him back later. I open the tweet.

@WContreras40: She can't get her shoes on 😂. I guess it's my fault cause I'm the one who knocked her up. ❤️Love you babe @AJ140

"You're a shithead." I growl at Willson.

"But you love me." He winks, putting my socks and shoes on for me.

"Thanks babe." I smiled. "You're lucky I love you." He picked me up, kissing me. "Put me down." I slap his hands. "Never!" He teases. "Willson!" I keep slapping his hands. "No." He laughed. "Willson we're gonna be late!" I warn.  "Oh shit." He puts me down.

We go to the hospital cause that's where my doctor is.

"AJ." My name is called.

Willson and I stand up walking hand and hand. They ask me some questions then begin the ultrasound.

"You guys ready?" Dr. Martin asks.

"Yeah." I respond.

Willson grabs my hand. "You guys are having a boy!" She smiled.

Willson's eyes go wide, so do mine. Willson predicted it last night and I have it on video. I had posted it on Instagram which posted to Twitter as well.

"Do you two want pictures?" We both nod.

"I will be right back with those." She smiled then walks out of the room.

"I can't believe you predicted that." I say to Willson. "Me either. I'm excited though." He kisses me.

"Who are we gonna tell the gender to first?" Willson asks.

"Javy, cause he wants to be the first teammate to know." I smiled.

"Then we will tell my dad later cause he wants to know as well. But I think we should ask Javy how his date went with Heather." I smirk. "Agreed." He winks getting in the drivers seat of my truck.

We get back to the house and we hear Javy's voice. I walk to the kitchen and see Javy shirtless, Heather with her legs around him and she's in just a bra. I roll my eyes.

"Good Morning, Sunshine and Rainbow." I smirk, grabbing a K-Cup of coffee. "AJ!" Javy quickly puts a shirt on.

"Oh, Javy. You don't have to cover up. I've already seen too much, two weeks ago." I rolled my eyes. Oh? You wanna know? Okay, story time!

I get done folding Javy's laundry, I walk up to his room and I knock then I walk in not thinking he's home, as I put the basket down, I see him walk out of his bathroom, fully naked. "JAVY! MY EYES!" I yell. "AJ! SHIT!!" He yells back. I turn around and he quickly puts clothes on. "Jesus Christ, AJ. Don't you knock?" He asks, falling back on his bed. "I did. You didn't answer. And plus I thought you were with Willson." I respond. "No I'm about to go meet up with him, Kyle H., Schwartz, Addi, Anthony and Kris." He said. I nod. "Don't speak a word to any of  them or I'll hurt you." I threaten. "Damn girl, you sassy." Javy laughs. "I'm pregnant and hormonal." I said. "I get that." He winks, leaving.

Okay, back to reality but Javy did tell the guys and Willson laughed his ass off from what I heard, and Rizzo still taunts me about it.

"You saw him naked?" Heather laughs. "Don't ask." I respond. "Yeah, please don't ask." Willson comes in the kitchen.

"Javy, what happened?" Heather asks him.

"She walked in on me while I was changing." Javy laughs. "That's not completely correct." I groan, putting my K-Cup in the Keurig and the cup under the dispenser. "Well what was the correct version?" Heather wonders.

I tell her.

"Oh my god! That's hilarious." Heather laughs.

I groan and grab my coffee.

"Did you guys find out the gender?" Javy asks.

"Yeah. It's a boy." I say. "Ah! That's awesome." Javy giggles.

I can just feel Willson will be overprotective even if it is a boy. I CANT WAIT TIL THEIR GENDER REVEAL! They're gonna do an actual gender reveal thing before a game but they know the gender ahead of time but they'll reveal the gender to the public at the game.

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