Just another check up

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Here we go again just a regular check up on a regular Tuesday in Sick Kids. The sad part about this one is that it’s a half day which means I get to go back to school for the other half YAY(note the sarcasm). As I walk down the sidewalk with my mom on my right side, I notice we are nearing the hospital.

Sorry let me introduce myself the name is Clarkson, Roxanne Clarkson. I am 15 years old and my birthday is September 17th 1998. I have Dark brown hair that falls just after my shoulders and really dark brown eyes. My favourite colour is pink but I have a lot of blue clothing. Ironic I know.  I am currently in grade 10 and attend a semester school.  I have an older brother in university and a sister is grade 12.

 " What do you want to eat after your check up", my mommy (yes I said mommy)asks me kindly.

 "I was thinking we can get a BLT at Tim Hortons with hot chocolate" , I answer simply like I always do when I have my 4 month check ups.

"OK", she says

As we cross the street I see the all too familiar no smoking sign with a kid on it. I swear these people really need to update that thing I have been seeing that sigh ever since I remember. When we walk into the sliding side doors, I smell that not so disgusting smell of the hospital. To be honest this smell kind of calms me.

When we get to the "Sears Cancer"  floor my mother tells me to take a seat while she waits in line to check me in.

She soon returns with a bracelet with my name on it that I usually wear for a week (or until my mother catches me wearing in and cuts it off).

"Start lining up for the blood work so we can get this done faster and in time to get you to school", Mommy who is a teacher instructs.

"OK but can I please just take the rest of the day off I don’t want to go back to school"

"No because you have already missed a week of geography, French and science as it is" she argues

"And you still need to catch up on some labs from science. A 60% is not going to cut it you know" she adds

"Fine" I huff

As I make my way to the not so long line up for blood work, I hear a child crying in the direction of the blood work room. "Just another check up" I say to myself.

Within the next 5 or so minuets I was called in.

"Next in line please"

Making my way into the room I see the regular blood work person which I always forget what her name is.

"Hi how ya doin' today , it's cold out isn't it" The way to peppy for this time of day woman asked

"Im fine, and the weather is alright I guess" I replied not as peppy

"Good, good. So you need two purples and a green,,." She says as she reads my files.

While she got the things needed for the blood work I just kind of phased out while looking at her wall full of pictures of the patients had sent to her. Most of them had cancer patients.  I noticed one of them had a note attached to it but before I could comprehend on what it says I was brought back to reality by the nurse.

"Can you roll up your sleave for me dear?  Thanks", Unlike other young patients I really did not mind being poked. Call me crazy and all but I have gotten used to it over the years.

"Wow you are brave you must get used to the feeling after a while", she said as per usual

"I know maybe she has had enough of them on the inside right baby?", My mother commented  while using her nickname for me

'hm" , I said nodding slowly and not really looking at her I was more focused on the blood that was coming from my arm. Instead of shying away like others do like my mommy from the sight of blood, I looked at it in awe and amusement.

After the blood work, I resumed my check up by waiting (again) at the green section for the sickle cell nurse to take my vitals.

"Hi Roxanne just go in and take off your shoes so I can check your weight and height", The nurse asked. Whoes name I do not recall either said

With a simple nod I started doing what she asked and she took my weight and height . Then after putting my shoes back on, she took my temperature and heart rate.

"Wait in room "C" for the doctor who will be there shortly"

After a not very long wait the doctor soon arrived. "Hello Roxanne how are you feeling today", The doctor asks.

"I'm alright I guess" I reply as nice as possible.

"Good. So I have heard you just came back from a hospital visit do you feel better now or is the pain still there", she asked concerned

I would have said "what do you think I went to the hospital over a months ago. If I was still feeling pain I would still be there" but instead I answered

"I'm better the pain is back to its manageable rate", I said sweetly

"Well that’s a good sign" She smiled.

Then she started asking questions my mother can answer for me. I took that time to look around the room which had a computer where the doctor is sitting at, 3 chairs for the patient and family, a bed with a white sheet of paper over it, gloves, and every other thing you can expect in a doctors office.

Then I was interrupted  by the doctor calling my name.

"Roxanne can you step onto the bed so I can check you" She asked kindly.

After the examination she left to go get my prescription for hydroxyurea  and folic acid (by the way I'm not pregnant)

After she gave us the note as we were leaving, the sickle cell nurse came back.

"Have you ever made a wish" , She asks

"No I never received a brochure" I said dully

"Oh. Ok let me just get you one and be free to pick out a book of your choice", she says as she walks away and returns shortly after.

"Make sure to wish soon so you can get a better chance in getting your wish" She smiles and walks away after saying a goodbye.

And as we walked back home I was thinking of many things I could wish for and really wanted. That is IF my wish comes true…


*Authors note*

Hey guys this is my first fan fiction and story and the first chapter. I am really exited I hope you guys enjoyed it. I know it’s a bit boring but please vote and comment. Your feedback will help me know what I was not doing right and what I was doing right. Thank Leaping Lemurs. :):):):)



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