A day well spent

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When I think of mornings in a luxury hotel I think of sleeping in until 12:00 or until I'm ready. I also think of waking up in white sheets crumbled around my half awaken state with the pillows tossed everywhere from not finding a comfortable position to fall asleep in, the sun going through the blinds of the window and giving the room a nice glow. Stretching my arms and legs out in different directions until I hear the satisfying crack followed by a well rested yawn. Then getting up until I am ready to leave the comfortable spot on the bed that secured my body through the night hours as I slept.

But instead I am awoken by my mother saying my name in a rather irritating manner while shaking my feet. The windows are WIDE open and my eyes try to adjust to the bright ray of light making me do a funny face in the process. I look around the room with a clueless expression until my eyes land on the clock that read 7:16. I crash my face down face first into the covers after giving my mom an unhappy face.

"It's too early I want to sleep", since my face was in the covers, my words came out muffled and quiet.

"Don't you usually wake up at this time not to mention way EARLIER not just on school days but on weekends", she said putting emphasis on the word earlier

Well I could not deny what she just said because she is right. I do always wake up early around 6:00 or when I fall asleep early I wake up around 5:00. My sister usual questions me about my habits I guess they just developed after my surgery in grade five. Since I was feeling a lot of pain after the surgery, I would wake up at a certain time every night for a period of time to take some pain meds to calm it down. But a year later I just got into the habit of doing it with the influence of my mother since she also is an early riser. When I do wake up at that time, I spend the hour or two reading books or writing in my occasional used diary until my mother wakes me up at 7:00. Even in the summer when I did not have any work to do or anywhere in particular to be, I would wake up early and read. Some may say "why not just watch T.V" but I'd rather read because it's quiet and like my me time. I usually cherish those morning when it is not chaotic and loud. But I guess that will ALL be over when the youngest addition comes around.

"Touché", I muttered making my way to the washroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and pin a few strand's back then I make my way out of the washroom in search of my sling that contains my lip balm.

I'm not much of a makeup person to be honest. I only use it when I need it for a special event or something. Maybe I slip in some cover up for some pimples when I forget to use the cleanser on some days. In the end I only need to use my lip balm to not make my lips crisp and dry and I'm done.

"Have you seen my sling", I ask my sister who had just arrived from the washroom.

"Nope did you try the closet?" I shake my head and make my way towards the closet which supposedly holds my sling in it. With no hope I check other places until I see it under one of the beds. How the hell did it get there I ask myself. I pick it up and take out the pink sphere shaped E.O.S and apply a decent amount on my lips and smack them together. I then continue my search this time for my glasses. I soon find them on the bed side table beside my phone and iPod.

"When are we going to leave for breakfast I'm hungry" I say patting my stomach for emphasis

Started With A Wish. . .(Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now