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As we walk into our hotel room my mouth drops in awe at the sight in front of me. There was a mini living area before you walk into the main room where the beds are located. There was a flat screen on the wall in front of the pull out couch, a dining table with four chairs, a lazy couch and coffee table.

"Why are you so flabbergasted we have been here before no need to be overly exited like geez", Janet explained annoyed

"But still it looks amazing and gets me every time so shut up", I walk past the living roomish place to the main room and immediately run to the view. "Its sooo pretty", I gasp out. Since we were pretty high I could see most of the falls in front of me. There were bright coloured lights dancing upon the falls making the icy parts of it glister.

 We were staying at the Embassy Suits in Niagara Falls on the 5th highest floor. "I'm going to the pool after dinner", I tell no one in particular

"I'll come with you ", my sister says. She was still staring out the window thinking about life I think. "Your NOT GOING INTO THE POOL", Mother practically yells at me. Why does she need to yell I'M RIGHT HERE. "Yes mommy I know you remind me EVERYTIME." "Just making sure". She says while giving me a kiss on the head.

Here is one down side of having sickle cell. You cannot stay in the extreme heat of cold for a certain amount of time without getting sick. By getting sick I mean feeling pain in your arms, legs, back or waist. The pain is caused because my red blood cells are sickle shaped which look like mini bananas. Since they are larger that regular round red blood cells, they get stuck in my blood stream then stops the blood from flowing which makes any part of my body start hurting from lack of flow.

"what is the for tomorrow". My daddy asks. We just came down to the TGIF in the hotel and finished giving our orders to the waitress. We are sitting in a booth with red seats that go around in a semi circle. We were sated right in front of the bar area. "I thought we could go to Captain Jacks Pirate Cove for starters and carry on from there". Janet triumphantly replies. I just sit there and nod in agreement. The only thing I have been thinking about all this time was skyping one direction. I mean how am I supposed to know when they will skype my . But most importantly what will I be wearing. Will it be in the middle of the night? Early morning? During this trip? All these questions swimming in my mind I did not even notice that our drinks came. What if they think my disease is disgusting and think it's contagious? What if I look like a total loser for laughing at the slightest jokes they make? I don’t know what I'll do to myself if I looked like a whale having a seizer.

"do you think that's a good idea?" My dad says snapping me out of my trace. "huh wha". I say slightly back to earth. "Your sister said she wants to go to Mandarin tomorrow for lunch. Is that okay with you". Daddy says. "Yea that’s fine". "Well that’s settled". He says clapping his hands together .

Five minutes later our food comes "Who ordered the five pounder with extra onions, lettuce, tomatoes, mayo, no ketchup, side of fries with extra mayo and two garlic bread sticks instead of salad ?" "I did " I say happily. Then she does the same with everyone else. "Would you like anything else", The red headed waitress asks. "No that will be all thank you". My mom says.

After dinner we go back upstairs and me and my sister get ready to swim. I was wearing one of my favorite swim suits that is a navy blue one piece with baby blue polka dots around it and has an opening on my lower back with a Hawaiian flower on the centre. I walk out and see that my sister is wearing her two piece purple swim suit. I wish I could wear my two piece but NOO. Mommy's going to have a heart attack. "Lucky duck". I mutter to my sister. "Oh please you don't have to be so jealous you love me". She says grinning. I just roll my eyes at her and walk away.

"Remember only go to the hot tub and nowhere else. If it was summer time maybe I would have let you go in the pool but you have to understand I don’t want to see you in pain and cut this trip short. Okay?". My mom lectures. " I know I understand now can we go now?". "Okay go ahead". She says unsure. After I put on my pink flip flops and grab my hotel room key, we say our goodbye's and make our way to the elevator.

When we get to the pool I jump into the hot tub and thank God that there aren’t many people in this place. There were like three families here plus us so I was good.

I look around me and notice two little girls around the age of 4 playing in the shallow end with a ball. When I look near the deep end I see a boy around my age doing laps and my sister trying not to get her hair wet. I go under the hot liquid covering my face and hair in the process. One I do three more bobs in the water I feel my hair about half was to my elbow."LBG look at me jump punk" My sister yells from across the pool. Oh by the way LBG stands for Little Black Girl ironic I know. "okay fine", I say annoyed by the nick name. "Okay I'm going to jump now". When she jumps in there is a big splash and a loud clash.

I realised I did not tell you about my full family tree. Well there is my brother Kelvin who is 18 He is in university at the moment and could not join us because of his exams. My sister Janet who is in grade ten and is 16 .Myself Roxanne and we have a little one on the way due in May. (That rhymed I know).

About a half hour later we decided to go back to the room. When we got back I took a shower and washed my hair. Then I brushed my teeth and but on my pink plaid jammies with a white long sleeve. After, I took my meds and got into the all white hotel bed and turned the t.v. The last thing I remember watching was Mac Miller And The Most Dope Family then the darkness took over my body and put me into a deep sleep . . .

Authors Note.

Hello been awhile but I am a busy duck what you expect. So please next chapter will be up sooner if I get at least 2 votes please comments no one is and I will much appreciate it.

Thank you Leaping Lemurs


Started With A Wish. . .(Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now