What to wish for

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I have notice that I have not really introduced myself enough so yea…

I have a collection of dolls (still working on getting an American doll). Call me crazy and all but I just love them they make me feel like a child again.  I wear glasses not that expensive ugly glasses EVERYONE has what are they called again.. .oh yea "Ray bands". I have been wearing glasses since kindergarten. (just to be honest here I do look good in them). I almost forgot I do not have a cellular device but, I do in fact have a 4th generation iPod which I guard with all my life. Also I am 5 foot 2" not too short but not too tall I think. I think that’s all now on to the story.

When I got out of the car after being picked up from school which was torture, I ran for the door and notice it was already changed. So I had to wait for my mom who has the key to unlock it. I would usually unlock the door with a passcode we had since we moved to this house but no he just had to change it. Oh by the way "he" is my father who is OBSESSED with home renovation. Which I don’t get because he works for the government .

Let me tell you how the REST of my day went. Well, after my mom dropped me off at school I went to geography class. I thought it will be a fun day because my teacher is a bit too ice and hardly gives us a lot of work to do but noo. We had this crazed supply teacher who called the class dumb. We could not even talk to anyone not even for help. We could not even make the slightest sounds without being confronted. Don't even get me started with French class. THAT TEACHER HAS THE NERVE TO GIVE ME EXTRA WORK. You know how I went to the hospital a month ago yea I was doing ALL the assignments he gave my sister to give to me to do. But NOOO apparently I only did one of them when my father saw me do ALL. Enough about my day let me continue.

I live in a used to be Italian neighbourhood but is now mostly populated with Jews. The houses around here are all different styles but still pretty cool. Our house is stucco and peach. It used to be a small brick house but we renovated and added another floor.(which is four steps away from the top floor) and consists of the newish master bedroom and my room.

After my mom opens the door I am greeted with that French vanilla aroma from the air freshener. 


"Do you want to see what I got from the hospital", I asked my sister Janet casually

"what did you get?"

" A brochure form 'Make A Wish'"

"I have to know because…"

"I don’t know what to wish for"

There was a moment of silence so I thought she got distracted by the T.V. I really need to get that thing out of my room it attracts to many unwanted guest. (By unwanted guest I mean my sister).

Janet looks almost exactly like I do except she is slightly taller than I am. Her hair is shorter than mine and her nose is a bit flatter. She is very pretty if you ask me and I am a bit jealous about her skin tone. (Lucky duck) Her stomach is much MUCH flatter than mine but her legs are pretty thin. If you ask me we could pass as twins.

"I was thinking I could wish for an iPad", I say easily. I have been saving up for an iPad for a long time now but since I want an AG doll I would have more money.

"Or…you can wish for something better since mommy already has a tablet you can use", she says in a duh tone

"Like what … I have been wanting this iPad for some time now", I huff

"You can wish for a puppy or maybe even a bunny no umm how about kinect", she lists

"I do want a dog but those things are expensive to care for. Daddy wont let me have a bunny he thinks they 'take too much room'  and we can just ask for an xbox kinect", I answer frustrated

"OK.", she says defensively. Then there was another silence in the room. After a long pause she say's something that crossed my mind.

"Why don’t you wish for concert tickets to One Direction and two backstage passes?" , My all to smart sister asks

"That’s true since your mother 'thought' we were going somewhere this summer and we missed the ticket selling oh yeah and not to mention our chance of watching 1Dday because the dang internet decided to ruin our lives and mother just laughed at us for wanting to watch it in the library. Then she made us go to visit people at the mall with her", I said remembering the horrible memories.

"So do you want to wish for that or not…", She asked confused

"Yea I'm wishing for that alright " I said with a bit of a crazy look in my I.

"I worry about you sometimes", My sister says worried

"Well what ya gonna do about me" I smiled looking a bit more normal. (ya right I'm faaarr from normal)

As soon as the time turned five my mom started yelling for us to clean up and start our homework.


"So you're going to wish for tickets to One Direction", My friend Patricia asked amassed

"Yea basically " I replied simply with a smile

"Did you already make the wish or.." she trailed off

"No not yet maybe after school or on Saturday . That is if I remember", I say before taking a spoon full of rice.

Patricia is very short but REALLY smart. Seriously the kid is getting a 97% in French right now and I believe a 92% in science if that’s not smart I don’t know what it. I think the only thing we have in common is that we both have a doll collection and the fact that we both have a brother and sister. She has very long brown hair almost black and big brown eyes. We went to the same elementary school but she came in grade 8. Also e hung out with different people but knew each other. The friends I hung out with went to a different school which is sad because they were and still are my best friends. Me and Patricia started being friends when we found out that we were the only people we knew that went to this school. I used to hang out with another group of people from my old school but when A LOT more people started eating with us I kind of shied away. Partially because I hate large groups of people and also because I felt really left out.

"what happened in GLS yesterday I forgot to ask", I ask interested

Then Patricia starts laughing and I become even more confused than before

"So…Mrs…pushed….the computer…. Monitor", She says between laughs

"sorry sorry… she pushes the monitor and it falls on Danielle…. HAHAHA", she laughs loudly

"OMG is she ok? Did she get mad? Oh gosh that teacher is crazy what did she say", I say and start laughing

"She did not really get mad and yeah she's alright . She said 'oh sorry dear are you ok do you need to go to the office'", She says trying to mimic  the teachers voice but fails and starts laughing again.

After a few more minutes of talking and laughing the second half bell rings and its time for French since its day 2. OH what joy not the sarcasm.

And on the following Saturday I wished for a wish that I douted will come true. . .

*Authors Note*

I'm sorry this chapter is short ill try and make them a bit longer I know that no one will read this but it is worth a try right? Anyway I know you might be confused as of what time of year it is and what year it is but just to make things clear it’s the beginning of December 2013 I'm doing this in the past first then when I get into the story it will be more in the future of 2014 like when the concert is and so on. Thanks for reading if you did. I will clear everything up in the next chapter. Please do vote and comment it will mean a lot. Thanks Leaping Lemurs. :):):):)


Started With A Wish. . .(Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now