John Bender x Reader - Different

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It had gotten to the point where he was the only thing I looked forward to when I went to school. My day wasn't complete without seeing him at least once. I have to admit, I was completely obsessed. My friends said he was bad news, but I just knew there was something else behind the cigarette smoke and the booze.

Of course, I hadn't even spoken to him once, so, I suppose this was more of a hope than a fact.

The lunch bell finally rang, and I could feel my heart start to race. I buried my head in my locker; I knew he was coming.

I heard his boots shuffling behind me, and I stole a glance.

Hot. So hot.

I grabbed my metal Scooby-Doo lunch box and started to follow him to the cafeteria, when I felt a rough pair of hands throw me to the ground from behind.

"What a fuckin nerd...Scooby-Doo? Are you six?!" I didn't recognize this voice or the boy talking, but I could feel my heart in my throat. My eyes overflowed with tears and I buried my head in my chest. I felt fists punching my back, and I screamed.

One thing was for sure. If John was still there, he would see this and hate me for sure.

Or so I thought.

Suddenly the punches stopped. I turned and wiped my eyes. I was frozen in shock at what I saw.

John Bender himself stood over my limp body. He was pummeling my attacker. And of course looking adorable while doing it.

John grabbed the boy by the collar and brought his face next to his. If I hadn't known any better I'd think they were about to kiss.

Instead, John opened his mouth and said,

"If I ever catch you touching her, looking at her, I swear to God if you think about her ever again, I will put you in the ground!" He bellowed, and threw the boy at the lockers across from us.

Then Bender looked down at me. His chocolate eyes locked onto my own, and he bit his lip. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it. He simply extended a hand down to me.

I took his hand and he helped me off of the cold floor. He picked up my lunch box, looked at it, and smiled.

"Are you going to laugh at me too?" I asked, feeling my heart sink.

"No." He said plainly.

I expected more of an answer than that.

"Why not?" I added.

"Because." He said.


He sighed and shoved the metal box against my chest.

"Because, okay?"

I looked down at my feet. "...okay...sorry."

"What are you apologizing for, huh?"

" seem angry. I...didn't mean to..."

"I'm not angry. Don't apologize to anybody unless you fuck up and are actually sorry."

I didn't respond. I took my lunch and shuffled over to the table in the back of the cafeteria.

He hates me. I thought, feeling more tears burning in my eyes.

But almost on cue, a gloved hand snatched a chair from the next table, and slid it over to the one I was sitting at.

"You okay?" He asked me.

I nodded, though the opposite was true.

"Come on. First you apologize for no reason and now you lie?"

I shrugged.

"Hey. Come on answer me. The right way. Are you alright?"

I shook my head this time and felt a lump forming in my throat.

"Wanna talk about it?"

I didn't answer this time, only in fear that I would burst into tears in front of him.

"Look, if you want me to leave, just say so." Bender said, and I could see sympathy in his face. Maybe even empathy.

"No!" I exclaimed, much louder than I had anticipated.

"Wow." He said, and tried to fight back a smile, but it broke through. Then it turned into a laugh. Then I started to laugh.

"What's your name?" He asked me, totally unaware that I knew his.

"Y/N." I answered. "Yours?" I added, to make sure he knew I wasn't a creep.

"John. John Bender. People call me Bender."

"Nice to meet you." I said to him, trying to hide the butterflies rising inside of me.

He presses his lips together, and a small smile graced his lips. "You too."

"I never thanked you for saving me out there. So...thank you."

He looked shocked that I had said so.

"Oh...y-yeah. problem. I...i-it was nothing..."

I had never seen him so flustered before. Was I doing that?

"What's wrong, Bender? Do people not thank you very often?" I said, wanting to watch him squirm. I wanted to tease him so he'd know how it feels.

"Ha! You psychic or something?"


He chuckled, and began to avoid my eye contact.

We began to eat our lunches and have a solid conversation with each other.

He was staring at his feet when he finally said what I had wanted to hear since my first day at Shermer.

"You're different than the rest of these girls at this cursed school. Y'know that?"

"I did know that." I answered. "For one, I can keep my legs closed."

John almost spit out his soda laughing. "And, you treat other people like actual human beings."

I pretended to gasp. "What a concept!"

We continued to joke around like this for a few moments, until Bender took it to another level, and I took the bait.

"Indeed. How could somebody ever possess such traits! Y/N! Are you even human?!"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not."

John scooted his chair next to me and lowered his voice to a sexy whisper. "If you aren't...can you take me to your leader?"

I giggled and felt a blush paint my cheeks. "I'd prefer if I took you on a date instead."

A goofy grin spread across John's adorable face, and his cheeks tinted pink.

"I think I'd prefer that as well." He responded. "And by the way...I loved Scooby-Doo when I was a kid." He glanced at my lunch box.

Suddenly, the bell rang. I couldn't hide my disappointment, and neither could he.

Bender pulled out a wrinkled detention slip from his pocket, and scribbled on the back of it. He winked at me and began to slink past me. A phone number was written in faded blue ink.

Before he left, he leaned down and whispered into my ear, giving me chills.

"I look forward to that date." He said, and I watched as he began to blush. "You'd better not let me down."

"I would die before I'd let that happen." I responded, and watched as he turned down the hall and meshed into the sea of students once more.

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