Andrew x Reader - What're You In For?

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I trudged into the library and threw my backpack on the ground. If I was going to be here, I might as well get homework done.

There were already five other people in the room when I arrived. They all sat at one table, likely friends. I would be the outsider, as usual.

"Who's she?" A girl's voice asked. When I turned to see who had asked, she was grinning back at me. She wore all black, had messy hair, and was chewing on a pencil.

"Dunno," Said another girl. "She looks boring." This girl looked much more put together. She had on pink lipstick and a full face of makeup, along with a tight-fitting rose blouse.

"Looks like we've got ourselves another newbie. We all know what happened to the others..." Said a boy from the back. He was tall and had long brown hair that covered his face. He was wearing many layers, though the air conditioning had been turned off, and stomped around in heavy combat boots.

"Oh come on guys!" Said another boy in a green sweatshirt and khakis. "Don't be so rude."

The boy in green hopped over to me and stuck out his hand for me to shake it. "I'm Brian. And that there is Allison, Claire, and Bender. And this is Andr--"

"--I can introduce myself, you dweeb." Interrupted a third boy, who emerged from his chair. He was wearing a blue letterman jacket and tight blue jeans. "I'm Andrew. I'm on the wrestling team."

"Ah, yes. Only you would willingly admit to the pretty stranger that you roll around with other men in tights and a leotard." The character called Bender spat jokingly.

"Oh, shut up, I could pound your ass into the dirt any day." Andrew retorted with a smile on his face. These two seemed to be friends, even though they were continuously shooting insults at each other.

"I'm, Y/N. And I think wrestling is cool." I said to Andrew. "It takes a lot of strength."

He smiled at me. "See, she's cool, she gets it."

"She's about the only one." Allison called from across the room. Unlike Bender and Andrew, she did not have a smile on her face. She was scowling at me like she hated me, and I didn't even know her.

I ignored this comment and moved my things next to Brian, who had invited me to sit next to him. Andrew moved his backpack to the table as well. It wasn't until Bender made a whistling sound that I remembered that he had referred to me as a "pretty stranger." I was pretty?

I opened my physics textbook and began working on my Kinematics worksheet when Andrew leaned over to me.

"What's that?" He asked me, tilting my book in his direction for him to peer at.

"AP Physics. Kinematics specifically. I'm really struggling." I admitted, putting down my pencil.

"AP? I also have that class! I can help!" Announced Brian, leaning closer to me.

I accepted the help despite my discomfort. Now both Andrew and Brian were quite close to me. I started to gain somewhat of an understanding of my assignment when I heard whispering from behind me.

"Fucking whore...both of dare he..."

I whipped my head around to see both Claire and Allison giggling. Andrew gritted his teeth and scowled.

"You just ignore them." He said to me. "That's my ex."

"Which one?"

"Both of them."

The awkwardness intensified, and I began to regret everything I'd ever done to land in detention. I began to write on my worksheet rapidly.

Nearly an hour of awkward silence passed before Bender broke it. He hopped up onto the table and spun dramatically.

"You guys. You're all being petty. I'm going to clear the air right now. Let's talk about the elephant in the room." He announced.

I groaned. I wasn't in the mood to be humiliated.

"Andrew." Bender started, motioning toward him. "Your exes are mad at you right now. You're flirting with the new chick. Tell me how that makes you feel."

Andrew narrowed his eyes and lowered his head to hide its reddening. "I wasn't fl-flirting...I was just...talking to her."

"Yeah, right. We ended things, like, a month ago. How could you already move on?!" Allison bellowed. Claire clapped next to her.

Andrew shook his head. "And why are you mad, Claire? We broke up two years ago."

"Because you hurt my friend." She said matter-of-factly. "Duh."

Brian rolled his eyes. "Here we go again." Seeing my confusion, Brian leaned in and whispered the context of the situation to me.

"Basically, Allison had been trying to act all girly to please Andrew, only Andrew didn't want her to do that. He wanted her to be herself. So he wouldn't say she was pretty because he liked her how she had been before, but she didn't, so she got mad that he didn't like her new look. Even though he liked her as she was, which was arguably better than liking her for makeup and girly clothes."

I nodded my head slowly, taking in the information. Brian talked rapidly, not even stopping for air.

"Listen, Ally. I care about you. I always have, and I still do. But you changed. Any and all romantic feelings I had for you disintegrated when you said all of those awful things to me. I'm sorry that I accidentally hurt you, but I didn't mean it. I was just following my morals."

Neither Allison nor Claire responded to this.  Brian patted Andrew on the shoulder before reaching into his backpack and pulling out a ham and cheese sandwich. The others gawked at him for this. "What? I'm hungry."

After frustratingly going back and forth, Allison and Andrew made amends. Then Bender gathered us all around one table and he sat on top of it.

"So...Y/N. What're you in for?"

"It's...a long story. But the short version is I mouthed off a teacher. But only because she deserved it."

"Ooh, drama!" Cheered Claire. "Maybe you're not so bad after all. What happened?"

"She basically called me stupid in front of the whole class. I'd gotten a calculus question wrong and she said to me, 'maybe you shouldn't be in an honors class.' and the class laughed. So I said 'maybe you shouldn't be a teacher'."

"OOOOOOOH!" Shouted everyone in the room.

"I'm guessing she didn't like that very much," Brian said with a grin.

"Man, she wouldn't have said that if I were there," Andrew said, making fists. "She shouldn't have been allowed to humiliate you like that."

"Eh." I responded. "I wasn't really humiliated. Just annoyed."

I found it odd yet sweet that Andrew was so defensive of me when we had only just met.

The six of us chatted for a while and did our homework. When Vernon let us have a bathroom break, Andrew caught me in the hall.

"H-hey, uh, Y/N."

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I was, um. I just think you're pretty cool and, well, was wondering if you maybe would let me take you out for lunch, or coffee, or something."

I felt my face flush. "Like a...a--"

"--date? Yeah. Yeah, I...I guess I'm asking you on a date."

I smiled sheepishly at him. He seemed like a cool person, someone I would like to get to know. He was certainly not lacking in the attractiveness category either.

"Sure." I said. "I would like that."

Andrew's eyes widened and his face turned so red that it was nearly purple.

"Cool! Um...can I have your number?"

I agreed and wrote it on his arm in sharpie.

"How's tomorrow?" He asked me.

"That works."

"Awesome. Now hurry up and go pee so you can come back and we can talk. I got a lot I want to say to you."

And with that, I bounded off to the restroom feeling happier than I had in a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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