Brian x Reader - Study Session

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"Hey nerd," I teased my best friend as I threw my backpack full of textbooks and despair at him.
"Hey weeb."
I grinned at my nickname. It was true. We were both nerds and weaboos. And that's how we liked it.

He dodged the backpack and slid it back across the floor to me.

Pulling up a chair next to me, I noticed that Brian looked a little...different. Was there something wrong?

He pulled out his AP Chem textbook and looked around nervously. The library was empty.

"Is there something bothering you, Brian?" I asked him, growing concerned.


I shook my head and slammed the textbook shut. "The tutoring will not begin until you tell me what is wrong."

"'s really nothing, Y/N."

My eyes narrowed and he sighed. "I'll...tell you after we're done, okay?"

I gave in and opened my Chemistry Honors book. I wasnt nearly half as smart as him, and I needed to memorize the whole periodic table for a test next Friday. He was helping me.

"So how many elements do you actually know?" Brian asked, studying the table.

"Uh...hydrogen is And isnt gold Au? That's stupid."

He chuckled and said it was a part of the Latin word "aurum". Of course he knew that. He was a genius. Sometimes he made me feel like an idiot, not on purpose. Just...the things he says and does, I find myself comparing myself to him, and when I look at everything he has done to me? My self esteem drops fourfold.

"Anything else?" He asked, making a list of the things I had memorized.

"Um...well I know some elements but I just don't know the letters for them. I don't even know where to start." I said, already getting frustrated.

"Hey, don't worry, Y/N. I am here to help you, alright? You're gonna pass this test will flying colors."

"As long as I pass at all, I'll be ecstatic. But if I come home with a D or a C, my ass is grass. So I hope you're right."

Brian laughed and glanced over the periodic table one last time before closing his book. He didn't even need to look at it. He already knew them.

"Okay, so...I guess we can go in order. So you know Hydrogen. H. And Helium is on the other side, He, is the second one. The next one under Hydrogen is Lithium, Li. And next to that one is Beryllium, Be."

"I hope spelling doesn't matter on this test..." I said as made notes.

Brian continued on helping me, and I was getting it, up until the 50th element. There was just too many.

"How am I supposed to remember all this?!" I exclaimed, livid now. I was such an idiot.

Brian frowned and pondered for a moment. Suddenly he snapped his fingers and pulled out his laptop.

It had stickers from video games and tv shows and books and movies plastered on the front.

He speedily typed "YouTube" into the search bar.

Hm. Why?

He turned the screen away from me so I would not see it, and then smiled.

"It's the element song!" He exclaimed, pressing play.

I listened and realized that it was actually quite catchy.

After listening to it a few times, I found myself understanding more.

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