chapter 1

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Nico stretched, and let his body be kissed by the morning sun peeking through the tree branches. He was supposed to sleep with the pack, in the cave where most wolves slept, but Nico was . . . . not as social. He liked sleeping with the moonlight, and he liked being alone.

He got on all fours, shook his coarse, black fur, and walked far from the cave. His piercing brown eyes flitted from side to side, trying to decipher which way to go find a refreshing drink. The nearest creek he knew was kinda far.

His brain told him not to go, but his thirst ended up taking over.

Along the way, Nico transformed back into his human form, which he prefered. It's not like his human form was awesome or anything, but he felt more....himself. More sane. Maybe it didn't make sense, but nothing he ever thought did.

As a human, he had shaggy black hair, which was almost always in a mess. His eyes were nearly the same in both forms, piercing and brown, but his skin was ghostly pale. He wasn't very tall, but at least he was quite fit. His choice of clothing was always very dark, usually consisting of ripped black jeans and a black leather jacket. By his side hung a midnight colored blade.

Autumn leaves cruched under his boots as he walked, their red and yellow colors bright to him, since as a wolf he mostly saw black and white. Fortunately, his human form was able to see colors.

Along the way, a bunny was spotted, munching on something. Nico's wolf instincts took over once more, and his nose grew  long again, back into a dog snout. Fur grew all over his body, and suddenly he was on all fours, crouching low. Hiding in the shadows, he slowly approached the small critter.

Closer and closer he got, until he was practically on top of the brown ball of fur. Taking in a breath, he made a jump for it.

He leaped like a fox, and extended his paws out in front of himself to make a grab for the kill. The rabbit only had time to emmit a small squeak before it was dead in Nico's teeth. He shook the small creature with force, letting his fangs rip through it, making sure it was dead. Then, he enjoyed himself a meal.


His journey on finding water continued. He sensed water close, and heard it running against stones. . . but that wasn't the only thing he heard.

Nico looked up, his brown eyes flitting from tree to tree. He thought he heard something. . .

Before he could even gasp, a pair of rough hands knocked him over so fast, that he didn't have time to transform or process what was happening. He kicked and struggled under whatever was pressing him down. But he couldn't make out what it was, whoever his captor was kept shifting around.

Finally, Nico growled and used his wolf-like strength to be able to flip the tables. He was on top of his captor, his fangs close to their face, growling deeply.

He had not expected to see a blonde, tan boy, with shaggy hair and a blue flannel, glaring up at him. His blue eyes studied Nico accusingly, as if Nico had done something wrong, when it was him that had toppled Nico over first. His eyes grabbed Nico's attention. They couldn't seem to decide if to stay blue, or change to red. . . Red. Red eyes could only mean. . . .

A werewolf's greatest rival.

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