Chapter 5

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Hey guys! Sorry for it updating in a long time! I had to work on my other stories and people were getting angry so i I had to take a break from this one but I'm back.
Sorry if my writing is rusty, I haven't written in this story for the longest.

Nico reached his dark castle quickly enough. His father usually rose late in the morning, so Nico was safe.

Soon, after he tiptoed over some wolves at the entrance, he reached his room.

Will, Nico thought. Nico was going to be seeing Will tomorrow again.

He waltzed to his king-sized bed, that had red velvety sheets smoothed out. White pillows were still fluffed from nobody sleeping in them, since Nico had taken the liberty to jump outside from his window to sleep in the outside castle grounds.

His elegant room might've seemed like heaven to the outside eye, but for an unknown reason Nico just preferred the outdoors. Somewhere away from his father, the guards, and the rest of the royal pack.

Nico flopped his body down on the soft bed, sinking down in the squishy mattress. He fiddled around with his silver skull ring he always wore, twisting it and turning it with his index finger and the pad of his thumb. His sister Bianca had given it to him before she died. It was quite some time ago, but Nico remembered it vividly, like a movie playing in his head.


Thunder lit up the sky, tinting it with a electric shade of purple, the twisted silhouettes of tree branches only adding to the frightening view. A gigantic boulder rested on top of a rocky mountain, under which two children were squatted down, trying to reach a fallen toy.

Nico had dropped his figurine, and Bianca had ran back immediately after Nico refused to leave without it.

And then, a strike of lightning hit the boulder, lighting up the sky in white and making a loud booming sound echoing through all of the mountains. Small Nico pressed his hands to his ears and closed his eyes, and slowly waited till he was sure it was safe to open up again.

He felt thousands of rain drops hit his face all at once, and through the rain, he saw the boulder rolling of the hill and crashing into the paralyzed form of his sister.
*end of flashback*

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Nico shook his head violently, desperately trying to remove images of her dead body from his head. He'd always blamed himself for her death, and his dad had yelled at him, agreeing to his theory.

His thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked on his door.

"Prince Nico?" The sweet voice of Piper McLean called from the other side. She was a servant in the castle that he had befriended, along with a few others.

"Yes?" He asked, quickly jumping out of bed and briefly running a hand through his hair before opening the door for Piper.

She had choppy brown hair that she kept in a braid at her side, caramel skin and eyes that always changed. Today they looked somewhat green or brown.

He would've found her attractive except for the fact that she was two years older than him and he was pretty much gay.

"The king requested your presence to the dining room." Piper told him. Playing with the lace of her white dress that all the maids wore.

Nico smiled tiredly at her. "Thank you for the notice. I will be there shortly." Piper smiled back at him before turning on her heel and walking into the dark corridors of the palace.

Closing the door, Nico sprinted to his closet, grabbing his royal clothing, which was a dark blue suit that hugged his body nicely. It had a dakr red belt going across his chest, and a collared button up shirt inside. His small prince crown was blue and gold, adorned with a big aqua colored gem at the top.

He wore his usual black jeans, and looked himself in the mirror. He was pretty casual for royalty, but he only had to wear these suits on royal meetings.

His stepmom had offered having servant girls dress him, but Nico refused.

He refused to many things, like wearing royal clothing all day instead of his usual black attire, and also refused to cut his black bangs. Nico thought they suited him.

He revised himself briefly in the mirror, before walking out the door, boots clacking against the marble floor.


Nico reached the dining room and sat in his chair. He was supposed to feel comfortable in it but it pricked at his sides and the cushion felt like rock.

His father cleared his throat. "Nico, I have summoned you here for a very important reason, and we wish that you would listen to all we have to say before you begin yammering."

Queen Persephone exchanged a look with his father, and then looked back at Nico.

"We need you to start looking for a bride."

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