Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

Then I woke up 'another dream, could that mean she's thinking of me? Wait for me Y/N... I'm coming for you ' I thought. Gon, Kurapika and Leorio is still asleep. Yeah, we meet up with them on our way to the harbor. we are currently on a ship heading to Konohagakure. We should arrive there tomorrow.

I closed my eyes again and drift of to sleep, but manage to whisper " wait for me Y/N. I'm coming.... " then I let my self fall into deep slumber with Y/N on my mind.


It's pretty early in the morning, I'm still on my bed. Kakashi-sensei told us there's no mission assigned for us, so we can do what we want. After a while of laying down I felt bored so I got up and take a shower, once I'm done I went outside to see if there's anything I could do.

After a while of walking I heard someone calling my name, I look to see a group of guys. ' fanboys ' I thought cringing slightly. " Y/N-chan go out with me!!! " " no me " "no with me" I just focus on my power when my necklace glow blue I took of flying knowing they couldn't catch me. ' ugh, what did I do to attract their attention ' I sigh in annoyance.

I land on the training ground. I lay down on the grass and look at the sky. ' none of them can get to my heart. All I ever love is Killua' I thought sadly. ' where is he? Did he know that I'm still alive ' I sigh.

" Y/N-chan!! " I turn to see Sakura. I sit up and wave at her. She walks towards me and sat down. " hey Sakura-chan, what's up? You look sleepy " I smile. " yeah last night I couldn't sleep " " I see, so what did you do? " " I take a walk around Konoha " " oh yeah that'll help " " can I ask you something? " " yeah sure "

" when I was walking last night I came across you home, and I heard everything " "everything?" " yeah about Sasuke's confession " " and what about it? " " you turn him down, what I want to ask is why ? Why'd you turn him down " " *looking down* I just can't love someone Sakura, especially... " I trailed off " especially? " she looks at me confused. " *sigh* especially when my heart belongs to someone "

" you mean you have- " " yes, I do have a boyfriend " " really?! Who?! " " his name is Killua Zoldyck. He's almost like Sasuke, cold but gentle. He's always there for me when I'm feeling down, he's one of my friends whom I got separate from because of the ambush" " oh I'm sorry to hear that " " I wonder where he is, is he looking for me, or if he even know I'm still alive "

Killua's Side

The four of us finally reach the gate of Konoha, ' one step away in finding Y/N ' I thought looking at the gigantic gate. I turn to where the guard suppose to be and sweat-dropped when I see they're sleeping ' this is the guards? It's much harder to enter Kukuroo mountain ' I thought shaking my head slightly.

" Gon, you're the most polite one. Wake them up " I told to Gon. " okay Killua " I watch as he approach them. They finally wake up " excuse me sir, I'm here to look for someone " " and who might that be? " " Y/N L/N " " oh you know her? " " yeah " " we have to watch the gates, so you can continue looking for them, but under his watch *pointing to someone behind us* " I turn to see a boy with a hair looks like pineapple. " I'm Nara Shikamaru, I'll be you guide " " okay, I'm Killua Zoldyck, this is Gon *pointing to Gon* Kurapika *pointing to Kurapika* and Leorio *pointing to Leorio* " " okay follow me " we nod and follow him.

" may I ask what's your relationship with Y/N? " " I'm her boyfriend " I say without hesitation. " yeah right, that's what we always heard " he said rather sarcastically. "What was that? " I say slightly annoyed. " look, I don't want no trouble. Y/N is popular in this village. And we've getting lots of boys claiming as her boyfriend " " but I am her boyfriend " the others nod indicating its true, but he's still not convince. That caught the attention of other boys.

" what is it that I heard, this albino boy claiming Y/N his girlfriend? " they kept mocking me. Until he said something that set me off my limits " she wouldn't date someone like you, I mean look at you. You look like a corpse so pale. She's gonna be mine " I land a punch at him. " Killua stop it " I heard Gon but I ignore him.

Back to Y/N

I kept talking with Sakura when we heard people running. I got up and so is Sakura. We then run to the source of trouble. There's a circle forming around. I squeeze through " what the hell is going on here " I yelled making them stop. " they start to attack me, all the sudden " I heard a boy say that I recognize as one of my fanboy, Ren.

" who? " he points towards someone, when I turn to look at the person I froze. My eyes met with a royal blue ones, the eyes that I love so much. I took a step forward. " K-Killua? I-is that r-really you? " " Y/N... It's me, it really is me " I ran towards him and hug him tightly.

" oh Killua, I know you would find me. Gosh I missed you so much " " I miss you too Y/N " he hug me just as tightly, I notice he's start to cry. I pulled away slightly and wipe  he's tears with my thumb gently. " how'd you know I'm still alive? How'd you know I'm here? " " I saw you in my dream, at first I don't believe them. But there's a rumor about your necklace after that ambush, that's when I know my dream is real *place his hands on my cheek* that you're still alive " our reunion is interrupt by someone clearing his throat, I turn to see Ren.

" you know this boy, Y/N-chan " " of course " " how? " " you don't have to know " " right, but I do have to know this *points at Killua* he claims to be your boyfriend, is that true? "

I wrapped my arms around Killua and lean my head on his chest " he is " Killua smiled and hug me closer. That left everyone shock. " but he have caused trouble! " he yelled. Killua became tense, I can tell he's mad. But I calm him down. " listen here Ren, I know Killua long enough to know that he won't attack anyone, unless they say something that tick him off. What. Do . You. Say. To . Him? "

" just saying the truth that you're mine " " she's never yours, and she'll never be. She's mine " I heard Killua yell. I held him back from attacking " you better go Ren, all of you" and the crowd disperse.

Except my comrade " Y/N-chan is he? " I heard Sakura. I turn to her and nod " yes Sakura-chan, he is Killua. Killua Zoldyck. My boyfriend " Killua blushed " you told your friends " " of course " I giggle at his embarrassed expression.

Naruto turn to them " I'm Uzumaki Naruto, the next hokage " " hokage? " Gon ask confused " the leader here " he made an O face. Then they start introducing them self. Naruto then turn to Killua " the way you fight is cool! How'd you do that, it's like you're an assassin, you Attack without any sound" Killua froze. " he's an a- " I cover Gon mouth. " don't listen what he said. It's nothing important " I Whisper to Gon " don't mention that okay " he nod and I release him. " I'm tired we're gonna get going now. Guys come on " I told Killua, Gon Kurapika and Leorio.

Once we reached my apartment I turn to them "guys listen to me. Don't mention Killua use to be an assassin. People here are strict, they don't believe an outsider easily. If you mention Killua's an assassin they gonna lock him away for interrogation. That's why I stopped you from saying it further Gon. So don't say anything about it, understand? " I say seriously. They just nod nervously cause I've never been this serious.

I showed them a room for them to sleep at. Gon, Killua and I will be sleeping in mine while Kurapika and Leorio will use the spare room.

We got ready for bed. I'm done getting ready and are laying on my bed. Gon came and we said goodnight, he fell asleep instantly.

Killua came in not Long after that. He lay next to me and pulled me closer, then stare deep into my eyes " I'm so happy you're alive Y/N. You have no idea how miserable I've been when I thought I've lost you. I love you so much" " I love you too Killua " we shared a kiss. We pulled away because of the need of oxygen got too much. He peck my forehead before pulling me closer. My head on his chest " goodnight Y/N" " goodnight Killua "

I fell asleep feeling relax and safe knowing I'm in the arms of the guy I love. This time I'm never letting us gets apart again. I sleep with a peaceful smile plastered on my face.

*to be continued*

A/N : That's it for this chapter, there be more coming up. Hope you enjoy so far. Bye bye!!!

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