Chapter 6

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Previously on Chapter 5

" Killua, did you hear. Those rumors " demon stone " it's Y/N's necklace. Does that mean she's still alive " I heard Gon say happily. " I know Gon... I know " I sigh happily Y/N's alive. My baby is alive.

That means my dream is real. She's alive, Konohagakure is where she is. And that is where we're going. Gon and I agree we're leaving first thing tomorrow morning. Suddenly my phone starts to ring, I pick it up. It's Kurapika. " Killua, did you hear the rumors? " " yes I did, she's alive. My Y/N is still alive " I say happily. " so do you know where she stays now? " " yeah, she sends message to me through dream, she's in a village full of ninja called Konohagakure " " dream " " yeah, I guess she unlocks a new power. Sending message through dream " " I see, so when will you go there? " " first thing tomorrow morning Gon and I will be heading there " " we are too " " we? " " Leorio and I " " okay! "

Soon... We'll meet again. Y/N... Wait for me. I'm coming...

Another Confession

We've reached Konoha, I can't help but feel a bit disappointed, I was hoping I could find Killua, or the others. " Y/N-chan, what's wrong you look down? " I heard Sakura. "*sigh* I'm okay Sakura. It's just that... I was hoping I could meet my friends again. Remembering York New is the last place we've been together " " ah I see, *place a hand on my shoulder* don't worry Y/N-chan you'll meet them soon " " thanks Sakura-chan " I smile.

For the past week Sakura and I grew closer. She understand me so well. We went separate ways as I head home. ' Killua... Where are you? I missed you so much ' I thought as I start to tear up. I like it here, but all I want is to be with Killua.


It's late at night but I couldn't sleep. I guess I'll just be on the roof, the breeze would help me relax. I went to the roof at sit there. Konoha is relaxing at night. I look up at the sky.

' Killua... When can I see you again. This distant is killing me. I wish you're here with me, to hold me ' I thought as tears start to stream down my face. Without knowing it I start to sing.

Musing through memories
Losing my grip in the grey
Numbing the senses
I feel you slipping away
Fighting to hold on
Clinging to just one more day
Love turns to ashes
With all that I wish I could say

I'd die to be where you are
I tried to be where you are

Every night, I dream you're still here
The ghost by my side, so perfectly clear
When I awake, you'll disappear
Back to the shadows
With all I hold dear
With all I hold dear
I dream you're still here
I dream you're still here

Hidden companion
Phantom be still in my heart
Make me a promise that
Time won't erase us
That we were not lost from the start

I'd die to be where you are
I tried to be where you are

I kept singing without noticing someone's watching me, and listening to me singing.

Every night, I dream you're still here
The ghost by my side, so perfectly clear
When I awake, you'll disappear
Back to the shadows
With all I hold dear
With all I hold dear
I dream you're still here
I dream you're still here
Ever slightly out of reach
I dream you're still here
But it breaks so easily
I try to protect you
I can't let you fade
I feel you slipping
I feel you slipping away

Every night, I dream you're still here
The ghost by my side, so perfectly clear
When I awake, you'll disappear
Back to the shadows
With all I hold dear
With all I hold dear
I dream you're still here
I dream you're still here

As I finished singing I heard a low clapping sound. I turn to where the sound came from to see Sasuke. " oh hi Sasuke " I look down to where he's standing. He look up at me " I heard you singing. You have a nice voice " " yeah thanks. It's late why are you still up? " " I could say the same as you Y/N " " I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about my friends " " oh I see. Can I maybe... Um join you? " he ask nervously. " sure "

He jump up to the roof next to me and sit down. There's a silent between us but was broken by Sasuke " Y/N... Can I ask you something? " " yeah sure " " I know it's not my business but um I heard those guys confessing to you, but you rejected them " " yeah? " " why did you reject them? " " the answer is simple, because I don't feel the same " " oh"

There's another moment of silent, I felt movement next to me. I turn slightly to see Sasuke shifting closer to me. " what are you doing Sasuke? " " I um " he looks down nervously. " if you have a problem, go ahead and tell me. Maybe I could help " " *deep breath* I li-love you Y/N. please go out with me " I was shock. Another confession. I know I love Sasuke. But it's brotherly love not romantic love.

I turn to Sasuke to see him start leaning in, but before his lips could touch mine I pulled away. " I'm sorry Sasuke, but... I see you as a brother. I don't love you that way " I say looking down. The one I love is only Killua. I stood up still not looking at him " it's late... I'm gonna try to get some sleep now " I look at him and smile softly " goodnight Sasuke " I jump down the roof and enter my house.

Sasuke P.O.V

She... Rejected me. I feel my heart shatters. But I won't give up. That's just mean I have to try harder. Yeah I'll try harder. If in the end she still don't feel the same. That's just mean she's not the one for me. But I won't give up now. I'll try to make her feelings towards me change. I jump down and walk away from her home towards my own home for the night.


I can feel his sadness. But there's nothing I could do about it. All I could think of is Killua. All I could ever love is Killua. I can't let my feelings go. I'm always comfortable around Killua. I don't feel that kind of comfort around other guy. I fall asleep with Killua on my mind.

Killua's Side


I'm in the same place I dreamt of Y/N a couple of days ago. I walk around to see if I could find her somewhere. " Killua... " I turn to see Y/N with a smile that I love so much. I ran to her and hug her " Y/N... I missed you so much. How have you been " "I've been great Killua. I just miss you so much. When will you get here. I want you to hold me " " I know... I wanna hold you too. Once I do, I'm never letting you go again " she smiled at me " I'll be waiting for you. Killua... "

Then I woke up 'another dream, could that mean she's thinking of me? Wait for me Y/N... I'm coming for you ' I thought. Gon, Kurapika and Leorio is still asleep. Yeah, we meet up with them on our way to the harbor. we are currently on a ship heading to Konohagakure. We should arrive there tomorrow.

I closed my eyes again and drift of to sleep, but manage to whisper " wait for me Y/N. I'm coming.... " then I let my self fall into deep slumber with Y/N on my mind.

*to be continued*

A/N : aww~ even in a dream they're connected how sweet~. Anyway that's it for this chapter. Hope you enjoy. More chapter coming up. Bye!!!

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