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The room was dark and gloomy, the few lights that were on flickering due to the storm that was brewing outside. A boy and two men were stood in it, the youngest of the three in dark robes, helping him blend into the dreary sky outside and matching the dark bags under his eyes.

Eridanus Lestrange stood in a corner, his hands behind his back and his lips set in a thin line as he listened to a conversation between his Lord and one of his servants. They were in an abandoned house (or at least it was now) as it was the safest place for them to meet; the wizarding world not yet knowing that Voldemort was back.

"Eridanus," a slithery voice spoke, causing said boy's dark eyes to snap to the man, as he had previously been watching a candle flicker from the wind before eventually dying out. "I presume that you know what you must do?"

The curly haired boy's expression turned grim as he thought of what his Lord was referring to; not all that keen on the idea. However, Eridanus couldn't say no to the man so he simply nodded silently. The man nodded in affirmation back, not needing anything else from the boy to know that he agreed.

Peter Pettigrew, one of the Lord's most faithful servant, looked back and forth between the young boy and his Lord nervously. He was usually never one to deny his master's wishes, however, Eridanus was simply a boy and Peter didn't believe that such pressure should be put on his shoulders.

"My Lord," Peter began nervously, his voice high-pitched and squeaky, reminding one of a mouse. "Perhaps the task should be given to someone else. Eridanus is only a boy after all and you shouldn't risk everything you've worked for..." The chubby man trailed off, not wanting to continue after the look his master gave him.

Eridanus was almost offended by Peter's words, the man basically implying that Eridanus couldn't handle such a task as this one. However, Eridanus knew better, knowing how Peter has always had some sort of soft spot for him (although he had no idea why), and was simply trying to protect him. The Lestrange boy appreciated the gesture but he was fully capable of taking care of himself - which he had done for basically his whole life.

"Are you questioning my judgement?" His Lord snapped, glaring at Peter as if he were the bane of his existence. Eridanus almost chuckled at the way Peter trembled but he refrained, as the man was trying to help the curly haired boy himself, after all.

"Oh no, no, no, my Lord Voldemort," Peter rushed to fix his mistake, kneeling next to the chair in which their Lord presided. "I only meant...perhaps if we were to do it without the boy..."

Eridanus shook his head very slightly, wondering why Peter was wanting to help him so much. And he was definitely grateful, but not so much that he would stop Peter from making a fool of himself. It was quite entertaining if he did say so himself.

"No!" Their Lord shouted, outraged that Peter was trying change his plan. The frightened man began shaking so much and Eridanus actually did start feeling bad for him. "The boy is everything, it cannot be done without him and it will be done exactly as I say."

Peter bowed his head respectfully, knowing when to give up. "I will not disappoint you, my Lord."

Eridanus, feeling like his role in their meeting was over, decided to leave. He walked slowly over to his Lord, his back straight and shoulders pulled back, his hands still entwined behind him.

"If you don't mind, I will be taking my leave now." Eridanus muttered emotionlessly, having no care whether his Lord agreed with him or not. It was getting late and Eridanus had to return home soon, otherwise Narcissa would go into a fit about how he needed his rest.

His Lord, knowing that, agreed, nodding his head slightly in approval. "Yes, that is fine. I trust you will tell Narcissa and Lucius of what we discussed?"

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