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Eridanus was getting ready for his first year at Hogwarts and to say he was nervous would be an understatement. He still tried to remain calm on the outside, with his usual impassive expression. However, Draco knew him too well and could see right through his act.

“Are you nervous, Eri?” His younger cousin teased as the two bustled about his room, getting things ready and packed.

Eridanus, never liking others, even if it was his own family, to see him anything but calm, scoffed as if the notion were ridiculous.

Draco could still see through the other boy and slightly chuckled at his denial. “Well don't worry. I don't doubt that you'll be sorted into Slytherin and we’ll most likely share many classes as well so you'll rarely be alone.”

Although Eridanus would never admit it, he was thankful for his cousin always being there for it and showed his appreciation by slightly smiling at him. Yet one thing kept popping into his mind that couldn't cease his nerves: What if he wasn't sorted into Slytherin? He came from generations of Slytherin's and he couldn't imagine the embarrassment that would follow if he wasn't one. The last time someone in his family wasn't sorted into Slytherin was Sirius Black and everyone knew how that turned out.

However, he didn't bring up his concerns with Draco, not wanting to worry the other boy when he was clearly ecstatic for Eridanus to be attending Hogwarts with him.

It didn't take long for the two to be finished packing as they had slowly packed the week leading up to their departure. Therefore, the only things that really needed to be packed were last minute items, such as toiletries.

It wasn't long before 11 o’clock that the two boys and Lucius Malfoy were setting out, not leaving much time before the Hogwarts Express was due to leave. This made Eridanus extremely anxious as he worried they would miss it.

“Relax,” Draco soothed as he put a reassuring hand on Eridanus’ shoulder. “It’ll take us barely a second to get there leaving plenty of time to spare.”

“Alright, if you say so.” Eridanus was still nervous but agreed nonetheless.

Draco nodded triumphantly and left his hand on the taller boys shoulder as his father grabbed his own and in a second they were apparating to Kings Cross. They quickly ran through the barrier (Eridanus not being hesitant as he knew how magic worked). He looked up at the large clock and saw that they still had ten minutes which caused him to let out a sigh of relief.

Eridanus could see their house elves bringing their suitcases to the train and snapped his attention back towards his uncle once he cleared his throat.

“I expect both of you boys to be good this year. And make sure you two stick together.” Were Lucius’ short words of wisdom.

Both boys nodded obediently and with an appreciative nod of his own, Lucius sent both boys to the train.

Eridanus followed behind Draco quietly as they made their way onto the train. As they went, Eridanus examined the train which was painted a beautiful bright red, adorned with gold and black accents. Eridanus knew that the colours were quite Gryffindor (Draco having told him all summer about the house and how Hogwarts seemed to have a bias towards it, much to his dismay) yet he couldn't help but admire how beautiful the colors looked together.

Him and Draco continued, walking down a narrow corridor until they stopped upon a compartment, which Eridanus noticed had the letter M on the door. Upon entering, Eridanus was disheartened to find that there were people occupying it as he had hoped that he could experience the journey in solitude. It seemed, however, that the two people sitting in the compartment recognized Draco as they immediately shot up as soon as he arrived.

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