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Authoress's Note: Not much to say here, sorry for taking so long! The next chapter should be out super soon though since I have it all typed up, I just need to go through and edit it (It was originally going to be this chapter aha). This has lots of background stuff, but it's all important in its own way~

I hope you all enjoy, don't forget to vote and comment if you do or just to point out any errors I might have made!~


The Field-Ops from Lucere all settled into the backyard after lunch, getting some rest after flying out to Earth.

"Man, does that little old lady know how to cook or what?" Reno asked in contentment as he leaned back in the swing chair, folding his arms behind his head. He could definitely use a little cat-nap after eating all that food and flying most of the way out here.

Yuna dabbed at her mouth with a napkin, looking at the spread of food in front of her. Soups, salads, entrees, even fruits and desserts—there were so many beautifully prepared foods. She wanted to try a bit of everything, but there was just too much to have all at once. "We'll have to thank Cook, but... No one even touched their food yet. I feel bad eating it before they got the chance to."

"Yea, I know what you mean," Zack agreed. He put his chin into his palm, blue eyes glancing back towards the house. Everyone went in there to talk, about what happened, about what was going to happen. "I wonder how they're all doing?"

"I hope they're all right," Yuna mumbled, even though whatever was going on seemed to be personal business they had no role in.

Zack nodded as he turned to look at Yuna, who was starting to clean up the plates and bowls they had used. "Here, let me help," he said as he stood up and picked up the plate Reno had left sitting at the table. Usually he'd throw a jab towards the negligent Turk, but he wasn't going to bother. He was still thinking about everything that happened since they got there. "First there was that girl, (Name), and then that Myde guy. I mean talk about awful timing."

Reno let out a yawn. "Hey Fair, do you ever get a break from that hero complex of yours?"

"Nope." Zack popped the 'p' cheerily as he continued stacking plates. "That's why I'm going patrolling after lunch. Any of you guys wanna join?" He turned towards

"No way, puppy." Reno dismissed the idea and switched to laying on the swing chair, letting the wind rock him back and forth. "Some of us didn't get any beauty sleep on the gummi ship because we were too busy flying it."

"Your loss," Zack said with a shrug. Rude had already disappeared out of sight after taking his own dishes to the kitchen. "Yuna?" Zack asked as he looked over at the brunette. "Just you and me, we can call it a date," he bargained playfully with a wag of his eyebrows.

Yuna bit down on her lip guiltily. "Sorry, Zack. I didn't sleep that well on the ship either and we'll probably have to be more vigilant later tonight."

"It's fine, it's fine," Zack dismissed with a good-natured laugh as he opened the sliding door into the house for Yuna to go through first. "Guess I'm going solo then."

"Don't get lost," Reno called out.

"Aren't you supposed to be asleep by now?"

"Maybe when your big mouth is gone." Reno shot back.

"Yea, yea," Zack waved off Reno's cranky sleep-deprived attitude and closed the sliding door behind him. He could hear everyone talking from the living room, and he sighed. "Are you going to wash the dishes?" He asked as he saw Yuna pulling her outfit's sleeves off and setting them on the counter besides the sink.

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