Three Months

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It's been three months since your powers came back. That meant it had been three months since you met Myde and Rai, and three months since you last saw Kudo and Kid.

'Three months. Things changed so much in three months.' A smile tugged at the corners of your lips. There was nothing really special about it, but the fact that you were able to smile, that was special. 'I used to smile so much that Cook teased me and said I was born smiling and my face froze like that.' You closed your eyes, remembering how Cook would always insist she just needed one more photo. Before you knew it, one became four. Cook loved taking photos, she swore that a camera was the only kind of technology she was good at using outside of a kitchen.

Throughout the last three months you were sure that she had taken enough photos of you, Myde, and Rai to fill up a high school yearbook. The worst part about it is that she would do it when you weren't paying attention, she would just manage to slip by and get photos of you guys when you were all hanging out for one reason or another.

'I don't remember her taking a lot of photos after we moved out of Japan, which was probably my fault now that I think about it.' Any photo of you that came out in the last seven years would have been taken by the press and paparazzi. You couldn't recall ever seeing the flash or hearing a click of a camera in the last seven years. Your eyes focused on a spot on the ground, fists trembling. 'I spent so much time wrapped up in my self-pity that I didn't notice how much I hurt someone I loved... What's three months compared to seven years?'

A gentle voice pulled you out of your thoughts, "Is everything all right?" Rai asked, leaning against you slightly. The two of you were standing since there weren't really benches to sit down in this area, only a sparse few occupied by the elderly, but that was because a majority of people reclaimed their bags and made their way out of the airport. You could feel warmth radiate from him and you could smell the faint hint of fabric softener on his jacket.

"Just thinki-" you stopped mid-sentence as a yawn cut you off. The yawn dragged out languidly and you could feel your mouth open up completely as your eyes watered. "My bad, guess I'm a little jet lagged. What's taking Myde so long?" You wondered as you wiped your eyes. Myde's been running around ever since he managed to get off the airplane, and so he volunteered to get your bags from the luggage claim section.

Rai slowly wrapped his arm around your shoulder, carefully supporting you since you were tired. "You didn't answer my question."

"I was going to say that I was just thinking," you answered as you leaned into Rai's side. "And besides, you ask that question like all the time."

"Do I?" Rai tilted his head, feigning innocence.

You didn't even bother to dignify that with a response but you did stick your tongue out at him. Then you closed your eyes and leaned on him again. 

'I'm glad we're close enough that he teases me and lets me lean on him like this.'

Rai didn't get close to you as quickly as Myde did. When you thought about it, it made sense. Myde's memories began with the moment you saved his life. The combination of Myde's gratitude and blindingly pure heart meant that there was no way he was going to leave you alone. 

Rai was different. In the beginning he was nothing more than a servant with no ties to you asides from a contract that legally bound him to work for your parents. However, the concern he showed you ever since you met him was not part of a contract.

That unconditional kindness is just part of what makes Rai, Rai.

But his kindness was extended to everyone. In fact, his polite personality was designed to keep people at a distance. It was the same kind of polite professionalism that you gave off when you showed up on behalf of your parents at those tedious parties. Though he genuinely cared for other people, he was not as quick to let them care about him. Yet you could tell that you had grown closer to Rai. It was in the moments where he dropped formalities around you, in the moments where he teased you, and in the moments where he would lean on you or give you a one-armed hug from the side. No, Rai wasn't the same kind of open and touchy-feely person that Myde was, but he showed his affection in subtle gestures.

Sky Writers ( Kingdom Hearts / Final Fantasy / Others Reader Insert )Where stories live. Discover now