Truths (Part II)

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Authoress's Note: Mother of goodness this is 6500 words. XD Nothing compared to what I used to do, but phew, a lot of stuff's coming at you guys!

Before we get to the good stuff though, I want to take the time to say thank you all. Call this post birthday sentimentalism, but I really did want to say I appreciate you guy so muchs. I love seeing people voting chapter by chapter as they read, I love people who vote as they binge read like me haha, and bless all the beautiful comments you guys have—I don't think you guys can even imagine how inspired I get when I hear from you. It really helps get the story out there too, so never worry about making my notifications blow up with a ton of votes and comments!~

To all you silent readers, thank you as well for following along this journey. I truly hope that you enjoy and that I'll have a chance to interact with you in the future in some way, shape, or form. I love meeting new people on here. ^^ If not, I still hope you stick around!

*Feels dump asides*

I think I started to get delirious at some point while doing the final editing. Let me know if anything else needs clarifying or if something doesn't make sense to you. As always, please let me know about any silly typos or glaring inconsistencies in the writing, other than that, enjoy the long-ass day that just keeps on giving. XD


At this point you already knew the world was going to end in darkness, you knew that your parents were assassins, but you still didn't know what was making Cook so upset.

'She didn't even flinch at the possibility of the world ending. She defended my parents and passionately talked about how the world wasn't just black or white, so what could be so bad that she's beating herself up like this...?' You furrowed your brows and stared at her, silently pleading for her to look up and tell you what was going on.

"(Name), what we're going to talk about involves that incident," Walter's voice pulled your attention away from Cook, and you swallowed. His eyes softened ever so slightly as your body tensed. "Would you like to explain to Raito and Myde or shall I?"

You closed your eyes and let out a breath. 'Well, I didn't really think they'd find out like this, but I guess it was going to happen eventually.'

"I'll do it."

Since Rai and Myde were sitting on either side of you, you weren't exactly sure where to look—or maybe you just didn't want to see their faces when you told them. You focused your eyes on Cook and Walter's intertwined hands again. 'I was so damn weak back then, and I feel so damn weak just thinking about it.' Even as far as you came, sometimes you swore you were still that scared ten-year old, running for your life.

"Long story short, when I was ten, a Hollow attacked my elementary school." You could explain everything another day, for now you just had to stick to the facts. "Twenty casualties, seventy-four injured," you recited.

"It happened at recess. I was away from the main yard because I'd usually meet my friend Aya near the tennis courts on Wednesday. She loved hearing stories about the kind of mysteries I solved with Kid and Kudo, you wouldn't believe how lively she got." A smile tugged at the corner of your lips. Those bright blue eyes were always so full of life whenever the two of you talked, you were one of the only people she could really be herself around.

The smile fell. "And when I got there that day, she was already dead. I'll spare you the details. And then there was this awful aura, it felt just like death was breathing down my neck." You didn't want to mention that it looked just like your aura had when you almost killed the Richmonds.

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