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"Sakura-chan. Ne, Sakura-chaaaaan."

"What, Naruto? I'm trying to listen to Kakashi-sensei."

"You know some origami, right?"

She raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, why?"

I lower my voice dramatically. "Can you teach me how to make flowers?"

Another eyebrow joins the first. "Sure, what for?"

"Well, it's Christmas tomorrow... and, well, I want to give Sasuke flowers—"

"Aww, how sweet!"

"I wasn't finished! I want to give him flowers, but they're sorta expensive, and anyway, they'd die. And I think... it would mean more, if I made them."

To my relief, she doesn't go "aww" again. Instead she just smiles and says, "Yeah. It would. I'm going out for lunch with Ino, so how about today after classes?"

I nod. "Okay."

Sasuke catches me at my desk after Japanese class ends. "Ready to go home?" he asks.

"Ah, I'm gonna hang out with Sakura-chan for a bit. I'll see you later, alright?"

I barely catch the flash of his eyes before he gives a small smile. "Alright." He puts a hand on my shoulder and places a quick kiss on my cheek. His fingers trail down my arm as he walks away.

"Sasuke-kun seems a bit... attached," Sakura-chan says behind me.

I turn to look at her. "What's that supposed to mean? 'A bit attached'?"

"It wasn't really the word I was looking for. Well, never mind. We can get supplies from the art rooms."

I follow her to the art section of the school. There we find origami paper, as well as some green wires for stems. The teacher, whom Sakura-chan apparently knows, lets us hang around the art room for a bit.

Sakura-chan teaches me how to make roses, tulips, daffodils, and some other flowers. I make loops in the stems for leaves, then fix the stems to the flowers. It's a ragtag bouquet, but I like it that way. I fit it carefully in my bag, thank Sakura-chan and say goodbye, and return to my dorm.

The door is ajar when I reach it. I push it open, calling, "I'm back."

Sasuke's at his desk, writing. When I enter, he traps me against the door, puts a hand on my face, and leans in for a deep kiss. I'm startled at first, but his fingers trailing across my neck stifle my questions, and I feel my eyes flutter shut as I respond, hands flying to grip his back firmly. Sasuke's kiss is insistent, demanding; he presses me against the door almost aggressively, and all I can do is react to his actions. His hands drag down my back and across my arms, raising goosebumps wherever they pass.

When he finally pulls back, I think that's the end of it, but he just descends again and kisses my earlobe. I can't keep my eyes open.


"Mm?" His voice is low and breathy, sending a wash of air across my skin.

"Is... hmm..." It's hard to form sentences with him nipping at the shell of my ear like that. "Is something... mmn... wrong?"

He suddenly pauses, perfectly still. I manage to crack my eyes open, but all I can see is his raven-black hair.

"Wrong? No." He trails kisses down to my neck, then proceeds to make a hickey there.


He doesn't stop until he's assured of the evidence to his actions, sucking and biting harder than what might be considered necessary. But when he's done, he licks the spot apologetically and kisses it softly. Then he finally draws back so that I can see his face. The look in his eyes, the fire behind his stoic front, is so passionate that I can't help smiling.

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