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We both freeze. I can feel the wood resonating against my back as the person knocks again.

Somehow, we're not as flustered as the time we were interrupted by Sai months ago. As I'm still wearing my shirt, I look a little less suspicious of the two of us, and so I'm wordlessly appointed the one to open the door. Sasuke checks to make sure I don't look too dishevelled, then makes for the washroom. No one will care if he's shirtless in his own dorm, so I open the door.

It's Takeo, our neighbour. His eyes are pulled briefly over my shoulder, where Sasuke disappears into the bathroom, then he looks at me.

"Tsunade-sensei wants to see you. You and Uchiha-san. In her office, in twenty minutes."

I blink. "Oh," I say finally.

He turns to leave.

"Why?" I call.

He shrugs. "Dunno." Then he's gone.

Sasuke emerges as soon as I close the door. He's frowning.

"That's suspicious," he says.

"You think so too?"

It's evidently something to do with our relationship, because there's no other reason to call us both. But it can't be all personal – after all, Tsunade no baa-chan is our principal, not our mother. And it also begs the question, who tipped her off?

Sasuke and I make ourselves presentable and head for the main building, hand in hand. We don't talk. We let go when we reach the front hall.

Tsunade no baa-chan is sitting behind her desk as usual. She waves us to chairs opposite her and we sit.

"Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun. How are you two getting along?" she asks.

"Fine," I say.

"No troubles? No arguments?"

"Nothing unfixable."


"What is it you want to talk to us for?" Sasuke asks politely.

She sighs, unable to postpone it any longer. "I've heard concerns from some that your dormitory arrangement may not be, as it is, entirely appropriate."

I sit still, but inside I flare with anger and panic. Was it this morning? Did someone hear us? Was it Takeo? Would he have told us himself that we were to go to Tsunade no baa-chan if he'd been the one to complain?

"Why is that?" Sasuke asks, ever stoic.

"As I'm sure you know, it's related to your relationship. Male and female dormitories are separated for the same reason some feel you two should be."

"We're not going to do anything inappropriate," I tell her.

She nods. "I know you don't mean to, but the fact is that some students feel uncomfortable knowing that a couple is inhabiting the same room. It would be the same for a boy and a girl."

"I swear we won't disturb anyone. We're not about to do..." I flush. "We won't do anything. Please, Tsunade no baa-chan, don't separate us."

The principal smiles. "Funny, Naruto-kun, just a few months ago I believe you came here asking the very opposite."

Sasuke's gaze flicks to me. I adamantly refuse to meet his eye, feeling a little resentful towards Tsunade no baa-chan for mentioning it.

"Five months is a long time," I say quietly but firmly. "Please, don't separate us."

She looks at me carefully for a moment before speaking. "Very well. I'll allow you to remain in the same room, but if I hear any more concerns I will have to split you. I'm already being lenient."

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