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Returning to school on Monday isn't a particularly attractive prospect, so I convince Sasuke to skip and we get back in time for dance after classes. Iruka-sensei reprimands me for coming to the club but not his class that morning, but the knowledge of who my parents are weighs so much in my heart that I can't help feeling justified, so his ire means little to me. (Later I explain it to him, and he lets up his anger just a little.)

Takeshi's the first to notice that Sasuke and I are back together physically, but of course since Shiroi's not in the hip hop club he doesn't see us until afterwards. For the dual occasion of my birthday and our anniversary, the name twins give us another locked box, larger this time, insisting that the key is hidden within my own possessions this time. I find it jammed in between my laptop and its battery a week later, once I realize said battery isn't working properly. Out of the box comes two smaller cardboard boxes. One's got two tubes in it; the labels are in English, but neither Sasuke nor I can make out the full sense of the words in this particular context. At the top of each tube it says "KY," which is even more confusing.

"KY stands for 'kuuki yomenai,' right?" I ask. "What do these tubes have to do with not being able to read the group atmosphere?"

"Dobe, in this case it's probably something else."

"What's... 'ting-ling li-qui-do'? And 'lu-bree-can-to'?"

He shrugs. "They never taught us that word. Look it up."

Being the nerd he is, Sasuke insists that we search an English dictionary, claiming it'll have a more accurate definition because it'll explain exactly what the word is all about in its own language, whereas if we just translate it we'll probably get our own biased understanding of the word in Japanese. I tell him it's not that big of a deal and he should quit being so technical, but he just tells me I need practice for next year and refuses to argue after that.

We get onto Sasuke's computer and I read, " 'Lubricant: a substance such as oil or grease for lessening friction, especially in the working parts of a mechanism.' "

"How do you make your Rs like that?" he asks.


"I don't know. You just..." He attempts an English R sound, but it sounds more like an N or L. I laugh. "Shut up. How are you so good at pronouncing things in English?"

"How should I know? Maybe it's because I'm not actually Japanese. I mean, neither of my parents look particularly Asian."

He puts a hand on my forehead, combing his fingers into my hair. "So you're saying that because your genes are Caucasian, you can pronounce English well?"

"Yeah! Obviously." I grin, and he moves his hand to the back of my head to pull me into a kiss. I giggle, then allow the contact to become gentle. His other hand finds my back and forcefully tugs me closer; I end up sitting in his lap, shirtless, grinding, clutching his shoulders as he makes hickeys on my neck. It's in this position that Shiroi sees us, then promptly backs out and closes the door, sniggering.

"Wait!" I jump off of Sasuke and wrench the door open and peer around it. "Shiroi?"

He's still chuckling to himself. "What?"

"What's this?"

I hold up the tube. Shiroi's eyebrows rise, then his laughter starts up again.

"It's lube, of course. Y'know?" He mimics jacking off to demonstrate. "I'm going out for lunch with Takeshi, and you've got spare next, right? So go make use of that for a bit. Did you open the other box yet?"

"No, we were too busy trying to figure out what KY had to do with lube."

"It's the brand name. KY doesn't mean 'kuuki yomenai' in every language, you know," he says. "In the English speaking world it's better known for being lube."

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