Color Magic: The Backstory Pt. 1

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About 5 years ago from this day.. Mat strolled in this office like place and sat in a chair. "May I help you?" A lady asked at a counter "Yes, hello! I'm here to apply for a job" Mat said passing the lady an application. Another lady walks in and it seems to be Shelia. Shelia glares at Mat and smiles. She tell's something to the lady and stops in front of Mat. She hands him a card and walks out. Mat stares at the card "The Pyramid Industry... of evil? That sounds like a cliche name to put out there to progress a story" Mat faces the reader for a few seconds and looks back. "If I'm going to find a job, this may be my only hope" Mat walks out. Two days later, Mat walks to the address and enters. "I knew you'd come!" Shelia says walking out from the darkness for a cheesy affect to make this story dramatic. I'm breaking the fourth wall to much, back to the story. "Uh- I'm here to apply for th-" "Of course!" Shelia cuts him off. "Come, come, let me show you around the place." Shelia guides him around as Mat studies everything. "What do you think?" Shelia asks Mat. "I love it! I'll take the job!" Mat said in excitement. -4 months later after Mat has joined- "Get moving you rat!" Shelia orders Mat around making him clean everything. "This isn't what I signed up for!" Mat cries out "You signed up for the job, you do what I say!" A month later Mat is sitting next to a cell guarding a prisoner..guarding the prisoner Tom. "Mat.. please let me go.. we were childhood friends.." Tom says through the cell. Mat takes a deep sigh. "I'll help you, I'll risk it.. here's the plan.." -1 hour later- Mat leans on the cell pretending to sleep, Tom detaches his arm and takes the key from Mat. Tom escapes the cell and flies off using his jet. "Be free, Tom.." Mat said quietly waiting for his punishment for helping Tom.

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