Chapter 11

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     Dusk came far too quickly. Prism joined the hushed group that gathered on the Arborteum, butterflies in her stomach. She pushed through the crowd, heading for where General Tsunami stood. Sunny was standing with her, and she was handing out bags of darts and a blowpipe to each dragon on the army list she held.

     "Nervous?" the general asked with a smile as Prism approached, checking her name off the list.

     Prism nodded, not trusting her voice.

     "Good. It shows you're not an idiot." Tsunami glanced over at a group of RainWings who were telling jokes and giggling, unaware of how serious the situation was. "Since we came up with the blow dart plan, we've had some... less dignified additions to our group. At least they've got good aim, if what they say is true."

     Sunny handed Prism her weapons. "Good luck out there," she whispered with a small smile. 

     "Thanks," Prism managed a weak grin in return, then joined the expectant crowd of RainWings. She saw Iguana and Mirage talking, but didn't want to join them. She just needed... to breathe. She climbed a tree and sat on a branch that hung over the Arborteum. Tilting her head up to the stars, she gradually began to feel calmer. We're saving ourselves, she reminded herself. These NightWings are deceitful, vicious, and murderous. I'm helping my tribe and saving the ones I love. She repeated this to herself, using the words to steel her nerves.

     Below her, she saw General Tsunami make a signal to her army. No one saw her, and they all kept chatting. She cleared her throat. Still no response. "LISTEN UP!" the general hollered. The RainWings finally fell quiet. Their general glared at them. "Alright, pep talk time. We're going out to battle, not a fun game. Be stealthy, swift, and of good aim. Make your tribe proud. And if I see one of you goofing off, I will find you." She let that sink in for a moment, then turned towards the trees. "Let's go."

                                                                                  * * * * * 

     Prism crept across the forest next to Mirage as they followed their general. "Are you ready for this?" she whispered.

     "Ready as I'll ever be." Mirage spoke around the blowpipe she clenched between her teeth. Prism had hers in the dart bag slung around her neck. 

     Prism couldn't bear it any more. "I think I'm going to move to the front of the group," she decided. She touched her snout to Mirage's shoulder as a goodbye. "Good luck tonight."

     Mirage looked her in the eye and nodded. "Go get 'em."

     Prism quickened her pace to catch up with the front of the group. The blood rushed in her ears and adrenaline pulsed through her veins. She inhaled the cool night air. Leading the group was Tsunami, of course, along with the more well-trained RainWings that were in Prism's group.

     Tsunami glanced at Prism out of the corner of her eye. "You've come up to the front?"

     "Yeah - I figured it's easier to fight them myself instead of watching others do it for me."

     "You'll certainly have the chance to." They came up to a tunnel ripped into a rock face. Prism shuddered, feeling the wrongness of it, unnaturally ripped into the rock. Had it always been there and she'd just never noticed?

     "Alright." Tsunami halted her army. "Jambu, Glory, Mangrove, Liana, Grandeur, Starfruit, Hyacinth, and Prism - you'll go in first. Knock out the guards, then Starflight and Fatespeaker will show you to the captured RainWings. Understood?"

     The group murmured assent. Prism, although surprised to be chosen, was ready. She camouflaged to a dark grey to match the tunnel, prepared her darts, and crept in.

     And so the fun begins. Vote if ya liked it, don't if ya didn't! -And try not to get too tired of me saying that XD

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