Chapter 2

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The sun was cooking the ground under every villagers feet. The bustling street didn't help with the heat either with all the moving around, bringing dust into the humid air. Ink was having a hard time ignoring the heat as he tried to focus on what Blue was talking about. Blue was babbling about all the things he wanted to do today and how he wanted to treat Ink on his birthday. Don't get him wrong, Ink loved his friend very much, but sometimes he was a hard guy to handle.His friend had a near death grip on his hand as he dragged him through the crowd with his brother Papyrus trailing behind them both. Papyrus wore a baggy orange shirt with a brown, torn hat on his head. He wore baggy black trousers and light brown boots. Papyrus was a much calmer skeleton than his brother.He always had such a tranquil and peaceful look on his face, with a cigarette constantly between his teeth. It wasn't lit yet, so Ink figured he was saving it for later, but keeping it out for show.

"hey bro, mind slowin down a bit? i'm working myself down to the bone back here. heh"

Ink couldn't help but chuckle at the older skeletons pun while Blue let out an agitated sigh. He turned back to look at his brother but kept walking straight.

"Since it's Inks special day today, I'll let that horrible pun slide for free! And as for your tiredness, just put a little more.....BACKBONE INTO IT! MWEHEHEH!"

Suddenly, Blue slammed into a man that was standing in front of him. This caused Ink to catch Blue before he fell to the ground and for Papyrus to immediately be next to them both. He didn't say or do anything, but he stood nearby just in case. Blue shook his head to clear his vision and apologetically looked up at the man he slammed into.

"I am terribly sorry for doing that mister! Are you okay?!"

The man did nothing but stare down at both Ink and Blue. He was wearing a dark cloak and had a hood over his head, hiding half of his face. Only one glowing red eye could be seen, as well as a glimmer of a sharp golden tooth. He looked down at Blue for a second then turned his eye right at Ink. Inks throat felt like it was closing up from being given such an unsettling glare from the man. The cloaked stranger stared at him for what felt like an eternity before pulling the hood over his face more and turning as he walked away from them. Ink swallowed making his closed up throat audible again and helped pull his friend off the ground.

"Are you okay Blue?"

"Y-Yes of course I am! Nothing fazes the Magnificent Blue! Mweheh!"

Ink smiled at his friends joyfulness, but couldn't shake the off feeling that he got from that man. He tried to look through the crowd to see if he can find out where the man went, but the streets were too crowded to find him. Papyrus placed a hand on Inks shoulder and said in a friendly manner.

"don't worry about it Ink. that dude is gone now. let's just focus on going to wherever it is Blue is taking us."

Ink smiled up at the older skeleton and nodded. They were all soon making their way through the crowd once again, being led by Blue. After a few minutes passed, Blue had finally dragged Ink into a cooler building to get out of the sun along with Papyrus. He had pulled them into one of the best taverns in town that Ink thought was rather too expensive. The countertops were lined with silver and polished so well they could be used as mirrors. Tables were covered in thin white tablecloths with red candles in the middle of them.Paintings of oceans and sea trinkets were decorating the wooden walls, giving the place a seaworthy appearance.The smell of fresh made food and beer was all over the air along with the chattering from every table in the bar. The monsters that were inside wore the finest clothing and jewelry, simply enjoying the delicious food served to them.

"Blue is this where we're eating?! Its so expensive here though! I don't want you spending all you have just on me..."

Blue then grabbed Ink by the shoulders and had the biggest smile on his face as he spoke.

"You deserve to have the best food in town on your Birthday Ink! And don't worry about the prices! Today is all about you silly!!"

Ink smiled at his friends generosity and gave a nod for an answer. He wasn't exactly happy that his friend was gonna spend so much on him, but he knew that once his friend had his mind made up, then there was no changing it. A rabbit waitress walked up to the group with a smile on her face.

"Welcome to the Sea Level Tavern. Is it only you three today?"

They all nodded and followed the waitress as she led them to an empty table in the back. Once they were all sat down, they simply ordered their drinks first before making any food choices. Before the waitress could walk away, Papyrus tapped her shoulder and stood up.

"im sorry to ask so suddenly, but do you know if Grillby is working in the back today?"

Ink looked up from the menu and right at Papyrus. He knew that Grillby was a chef here at the tavern and that him and Papyrus were good friends. Why the sudden mention though? Wouldn't Grillby be too busy to see friends today? The waitress simply nodded and pointed him in the direction of the kitchen. Papyrus walked away without saying another word.

"Well that was weird. Why is your brother looking for Grillby?"

Blue simply shrugged his shoulders and went back into the menu acting intrigued by the food and drink choices. He wouldn't meet Inks eyes and fidgeted slightly in his seat. Ink chuckled slightly, knowing that he's hiding some kind of big secret, but won't ruin his fun. Instead, he made himself busy by finding what he wanted to eat from the delicious restaurant. Maybe he'll find out what Blues secret is later.


There we go! Second chapter with a mysterious character! Don't worry, the plot will soon thicken!!
(Idk why but that sounded wrong don't read too much into that)
Anyway, hope you like this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!

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