Chapter 1

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Gentle waves hit the shoreline right by the young skeletons feet as he looked out on the ocean. The boy was about 6 years old, wearing torn brown trousers and a baggy white t-shirt.He had no shoes, but that didn't bother him in the slightest. He always loved the feeling of wet sand in his toes. His face was slightly dirty, smeared with paint and black ink from his previous activities. Two big eyes, one a baby blue circle and the other a shining yellow star, gazed out onto the ocean.

A bright smile was on his face as he waved his hand in the air towards the large ship that was floating away from him in the water. A man on the ship was waving right back at him with a smile on his face.From his neck, half of a broken gold coin dangled from a string and rested against his chest near his heart. The young boy gripped a similar half coin that dangled from his neck as well while he waved. The sun was hitting the waves of the water, bringing the day to an end and the night to a start. The child could no longer see the face of the man on the boat, only a dark silhouette could be seen. He then gathered as much air into his lungs as he possibly could and yelled out onto the water, hoping that the man heard.

"Goodbye father!! Come back safe! I'll see you again sooon!!!"

It was only faint, but the boy could hear the mans response out from the ocean.

"I will Ink! Be brave and strong for me!! I love you!!"

• • • • • • • • • • •

"Hey! Wake up already!!"

Ice cold water was splashed onto Ink's bed, jolting him awake. A giggle could be heard as Ink turned his head towards his friend who was holding a wooden bucket with a guilty smile on his face. Ink grumbled as he threw his legs off of the now soaked bed.

"Was that really necessary Blue?"

His friend Blue was still giggling as he put the bucket down next to Inks bed. He wore a simple pair of brown trousers, black boots, and a light blue shirt that was buttoned up to his neck. A baby blue bandana was tied around his neck and he had blue stars for eyes. A big smile was on his face as he turned to look at his soaking friend.

"Well how else was I suppose to wake you up on your special day?! By the way, Happy Birthday Ink!!"

Blues arms wrapped around Ink, bringing him into a bone crushing hug. Ink chuckled as he hugged his friend back, thinking about what Blue said. A small but sad smile made its way to his mouth as he thought to himself.

•"He's right, it is my birthday today! Wow, it's been 12 years....."•

His friend finally let him go and made his way toward the door to leave Inks room. Before he walked out he turned back to his friend still smiling.

"When you change into some dry clothes come down stairs. Papyrus and I have big plans for you today!!"

He then walked out of the room and closed the door behind him to give his friend some privacy. Ink stood up from the bed and stretched his arms out, feeling satisfied when he hear his tired bones pop. Walking over to the window, he opened it and let the sunlight sink into himself and his room. The sun glistened on the paint stains that where all over the floor and wall. Buckets of different colored paint were scattered about here and there. Paint brushes and rollers were scattered here and there, making a mess on the floor and overflowing in buckets. Half made and full made portraits were hung around the room, giving it a form of artistic life.

The bustling noises from the village below was like music to Ink as he watched monsters scatter all over the streets. Some were merchants selling all kinds of foods and products.Others were travelers looking for something to buy or for a place to sleep and eat. Shops and Inns lined the streets, selling trinkets and clothing as well as jewelry and other fine specimens of things. Children were running around screaming and playing as women and men were working their usual jobs. With all the activity in the little village, you would think that this place is completely miserable, but really it's the exact opposite. Smiles adorned everyone's faces in the village as well as good attitudes and friendly personalities. The sights and sounds made Inks heart warm, knowing that he lived in such a beautiful, peaceful place.

"What a beautiful day...I wonder what Blue has planned for me. Hopefully it doesn't involve another bucket of water."

He chuckled to himself then pulled out dry pair of clothing and got himself ready for the day. Dressing himself in a paint stained white t-shirt and brown paint splattered trousers, he slipped on an old and worn out pair of buckled shoes and made his way to the door. Ink then stopped in his tracks and placed his hand over his chest, feeling for the broken gold coin across his neck. Relief washed over him as his fingers felt the smooth metal under his baggy shirt. Pulling it out from under his clothing, Ink looked at it from the palm of his hand and rubbed his thumb over it gently. He smiled as he held the coin, looking into it and seeing his reflection.

"I wish you could be here dad.......I'm 18 now......I'm finally a man...."

Putting the coin back under his shirt and near his heart, Ink walked out of his room and went downstairs to join the two brothers and see what the day had in store for him.

12 years have passed now, and Ink has been as happy as he can be for those years. He's smiled through pain and loss, and other things. He's been through lonely times and through situations that seemed hopeless. Now, he's a bigger, stronger man than before, both in spirit and in body. Nothing can break the Determination of this skeleton.......Right?...........



I was looking around for some good ol' Pirate!Error and Ink stories (Cuz I'm a pirate fan and I like pirates and all) and I noticed that there really isn't that many stories of Ink and Error being pirates. So I thought "Hey! I have a great story idea for a pirate themed InkxError fanfic, so why don't I make it?!" And BOOM! Here it is!

And I know that I haven't really updated my other two stories that much, but don't worry. I'm just taking a short break from those two because I'm really running low on ideas of how to continue them. Im gonna keep them going, but it may take some time for me to make new ideas for more chapters.

So for now, there's gonna be some pirate action! Yeah!! I hope you guys like this first chapter!

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