Chapter 2

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Giselle's POV

I went out earlier this morning to get coffee and breakfast for Frank and I, when I came back I see Gerard and he glares at me as usual.

"Should I come back later?"

"No I'm just leaving." He says turning his attention to Frank, "You'll be there?"

"Yeah man I'll see you there."

Gerard then leaves.

"That went better than expected." I nod.

"Yeah." Frank nods.

"So I um got some coffee and bagels." I change the subject.

"What type of bagels?"

"Few different types. Plain, everything, and cinnamon raisin. Didn't know what you liked."

"I'll take a plain one." I take one out and hand it to him along with his coffee, "Thank you." He grins.

"Well I mean you're letting me crash here."

"It gets kind of lonely here." He shrugs taking a bite of it and I just nod, "So you wanna come with me tomorrow?"


"To their show."

"I guess so. " I shrug.

"They will love it."

"If Gerard glaring at me translates to love then yes."

"Give him a chance."

"I will. Sorry I'm just really on edge today."

"You're fine. You'll be fine. Gerard would love to have you back."

"Have me back?" I ask in confusion.

"Well I mean in his life."

"That feels good to hear. I feel like shit but I'm getting sober."

"He'll understand."

"Do you wanna know why I went back to drugs the other times I tried to sober up?"


"Because it was too painful without the drugs, almost died once." I explain before he suddenly pulls me into a hug.

"Not sure what all this affection is for but okay."


"Still what?"

"I know addiction is terrible but you are strong."

"Thanks Frank." I smile.


The next night Frank drove us to the show, I was feeling worse as well.

"Let me know if you need to step out."

"Thank you." I smile at him a bit. He smiled back and parks his car.

"Yo Shaun!" He waves at a man sitting near a van. I got out of the car and almost fell due to my dizziness.

"Hey Frankie!" Shaun waved back, "Who's the girl?"

"I'm Giselle." I say leaning against Frank's car a bit, "Gerard and Mikey's  sister."

"Oh you're the one they talk about." He grins, "Well I'm Shaun Simon. I used to play with Frank."

"Nice to meet you." I nod.

"You'll love them." He smiled, "They were just in the van pounding some beers."

"So they're wasted? Great."


"Come on Giselle." Frank led me inside. I lost Frank in the crowd of 40 until he appeared with a chair.

"Wow you are short." I tease.

"Hey so are you!"

"Excuse me I'm 5'9." I sass. Frank rolls his eyes and stands on the chair.

The band soon walked out and started their set. About a song in my hands started to shake, my skin was clamming up and I felt like I was going to pass out and vomit at the same time.

Frank smiled and looked down at me, but that dropped when he saw me.

"You good?" He asks and I slightly shake my head, "You wanna step out?"

"I-I think I need to." He nods and holds out his hand so I take it. We walk outside and he sits on the curb, I sit down as well resting my head in my hands.

He pulled out a packet and pulls out a brown and white stick.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting a smoke. Is that bothering you?" He clenched the stick between his teeth.

"Not really."

He nods, "Just checking with you princess." He lit the cigarette and took a drag. I just nod, eventually he went back in but I stayed outside.

A grunt sound behind me after awhile as a figure flopped down next to me so I look up to see who it is. 

My older brother watched me silently with slightly glazed over eyes.

"Gee you're wasted, what are you doing?"

"Are you okay?"

"No I'm not. I'm sobering up from fucking cocaine."

"Is there-"

"I doubt it." I cut him off. He nods rubbing his head, "It'll take awhile for me to completely sober up for sure."

"I'm here for you." I smelt the stench of alcohol as he placed a soft kiss on my temple.

"Hey Gee you here?" Ray walked out, "Oh there you are. Hi Giselle."

"Hey. Are you sober?"

"Yes I am, but your brothers aren't."

"Yeah I can see that."

"Alright come on Gee let's get you back." Ray says helping Gerard stand up.

"Thank you." I tell him.

"You're welcome."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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