Sakura's decision (A Naruto Fan Fiction)

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Date: March 14, 2014. 

New story~ ☺❤❤❤❤

As clear as it seems, I made this story just now- March 14. 

Some of ya might not watch Anime, but I didn't made this book to have votes nor comments. It's stupid but, I really love the anime series entitled "Naruto." <3 That is why I made this. Though, I'd mix up and mess the story, kay? I'll make it different since its a fan fic. Oh btw, from the start, it may be similar. But when it continues, it'll be different. And They are already teamed up here.

Chapter 1 ~Sakura's decision~ 

Sakura's POV

As always, I wake up in the morning to get ready 'cause I'll go to the Academy and probably train again with Kakashi-sensei. Boring, but.. at least I get to see Sasuke-kun!

"Sakura! You should be leaving by now." Mom called downstairs.

"Yeah, mom!" I answered. I quickly put on my forehead protector, then I went down.

After I do, I went out and walked through the village. A familiar voice called me. "Sakura.."it was intimidating, actually. I looked behind me and saw Ino, my rival. "Going to the Academy?" she raised a brow.

"Where else?" I frowned.

"You know.. Sasuke-kun will be mine, he maybe in your team, but believe me, he likes me more than you." she smirked.

I smiled. "Let's just see."

Ino's POV

"Let's just see." Sakura replied certainly. I walked beside her, later on, we started to race to the academy.

"I'LL WIN!" I yelled.


We arrived, finally. We ran to our classroom. We gasped for air. "I won, again." I laughed, panting like her.

"No, you didn't!" She began to be scary. I defended and had the same gesture.

"I did! My foot enter before yours!" I yelled.

"GRRR." We both groaned. A spark of lighting ran through our foreheads, forming to battle. Eye-contact with her is a little intense. 

Sakura's POV

"GRRR." We both groaned. Suddenly, I saw Sasuke-kun sitting blocks away from where me and Ino are fighting. I quickly ran. Ino was shocked.

"Sasuke-kun, may I sit beside you?" I asked shyly. He looked at me with such bored eyes. Then returned his gaze on  the window beside. I sat, anyways. I giggled. Ino treathend me with her fist. I just rolled my eyes and smirked. Soon, all girls became jealous.

"You're so lucky, Sakura! You get to sit beside, Sasuke-kun!" a girl yelled. I put up a 'peace sign' darted on my hands.

Naruto's POV

I entered the room. I saw a BUNCH of girls near Sasuke. I didn't care. But.. I saw Sakura-chan! I like her a lot, Sasuke also captured her heart?! Ugh! What's so special with that guy? ~


PUBLISHED~ 3/14/14. (March 14, 2014.)

Thank you for reading! This is my first Naruto Fan Fiction. Hope you enjoyed! :)

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