La Llorona or Weeping Woman

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La Llorona or Weeping Woman is a Latin-American  urban legend.No one knows when the legend of La Llorona began nor from which country does it originate.

La Llorona is a spirit of a doomed mother who drowned her children and now spends eternity searching for them in the local rivers and lakes.La Llorona was born to a peasant family .Her starving beauty captured the attention of both rich and poor men of the area.This beautiful peasant girl was full of love and life.She wound up marry a wealthy man who lavished her with gifts and attention.However she born him two sons ,he began to change,he seemingly no longer cared for this beautiful woman.He told that he is having an affair with another lady and left her alone.Then after some days when she was sitting next to the river with her 2 children,she saw her husband with another lady and they were married.She was so angry and upset that she drowned her both children and did suicide.It is said that when she went to heaven they said first bring your children and then come to heaven.From that day her ghost is finding her children in all water bodies.Whenever anybody listens her cry,they die after some time.She also kidnaps small children who she find alone near the water bodies,think them as her children.The next day their body is found floating above the water body where she found them.

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