Freaky Food

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Recently, outraged internet people were taken in by claims that popular fast food outlet KFC were breeding genetically mutated chickens for their burgers. While the "shock pictures" were quickly revealed to be fakes, more than one of my Facebook friends were taken in.

Foodstuffs often fall victim to urban myths – are MacDonald's burgers really made from earthworms? Will mixing popping candy and fizzy pop make you explode? Don't forget the perennial "dog meat takeaway" rumour.

Food is at the centre of our lives so it's no surprise it's at the heart of our fiction. The Hunger Games presents kids willing to kill for a lifetime of food while Soylent Green (based on the 1966 novel Make Room, Make Room) goes one further and suggests we'll soon be eating people, much like in Matt Whyman's The Savages.

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