Bedroom Light

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This legend is about 2 best friends that decided to be roommates at college.One night they were trying to pull an all night,studying for an exam that was the next morning.One of the girls was just sick of studying so she was like alright I'm done,Good Night.The other girl was a really hard worker ,so she was like alright Good Night ,you gonna fail and I'm gonna pass,this is up to you.So the girl that was staying up all night realized that she left one of her books that she needed in the bedroom.She did not want to wake up her friend so she went in the room quietly with the lights all out,looking for her book.Apparently when she was in the room she started to hear some very heavy breathing ,so then she whispered her friend's name ,asking her if she was awake.Then the girl heard something moving around in the dark.So then she asked her friend ,"can I turn on the light?"No answer .So the girl said again"can I  turn on the light,I need to find something."NO answer again.The girl was very frustrated so then she continued looking for the book in complete darkness.She finally found her book and she got out of that room.This girl did not sleep ,she stayed up all night long studying for this exam.The next morning this girl raced downstairs to take her exam.So then she noticed that her roommate ,did not show up for the exam.She was getting really worried about her friend.So when she was done with the exam ,she raced back to her roommate's room and knocked on the door and again no answer from her friend. This girl was frustrated and decided to just open the door and turn on the light .What she then saw was her roommate laying motionless on the bed in a pool of blood.She was brutally murdered.The girl then turned around and noticed the creepiest message on the wall ,written with blood that says"aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?"

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