Black-Eyed Children

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Black-eyed children (or black-eyed kids) are an of supposed creatures that resemble children between the ages of 6 and 16, with pale skin and black eyes, who are reportedly seen or , or are encountered on doorsteps of residential homes. Tales of black-eyed children have appeared in pop culture since the late 1990s.There are many encounters of Black-Eyed Children.You can check on internet.

Some people say they are demons and some people say they are aliens.So they pick a victim and go to their home and ring the door bell at night,around 12.They will try to come inside your house by saying that they need water or they have to call their parents.Their heads will be covered be hoodies and they will look down at floor.DON'T LET THEM COME INSIDE YOUR HOUSE OR BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN.

The supposed origins of the legend are some 1996 postings written by Texas reporter Brian Bethel on a "ghost-related mailing list" relating two alleged encounters with "black-eyed kids". Bethel describes encountering two such children in in 1996, and claims that a second person had a similar, unrelated encounter in . Bethel's stories have become regarded as classic examples of , and gained such popularity that he published a "just to keep up with demand for more info about the new urban legend." In 2012, Brian Bethel told his story on the reality television series . He wrote a follow-up article for the Abilene Reporter News, describing his experience and maintaining his belief that it was legitimate.

In 2012, the horror film was produced with funding, its director commenting that the black eyed children were "an urban legend that's been floating around on the Internet for years now, I always thought it was fascinating". A 2013 episode of 's Weekly Strange that featured reports of black eyed children is thought to have helped spread the legend on the internet.

During one week in September 2014, the British tabloid ran three sensationalistic front-page stories about alleged sightings of black-eyed children, connected to the sale of a supposedly haunted pub in Staffordshire. The paper claimed a "shock rise in sightings around the world". Alleged sightings are taken seriously by , some of whom believe black eyed children to be , , or .

Science writer was unable to find any documentation of black-eyed child encounters, concluding that the tales are passed on as "friend of a friend" ghost stories. Hill considers the legend to resemble "typical spooky folklore stories" such as the , where the subject is not supernatural, and there may never have been an actual original encounter.

Story-A woman made mistake by letting black-eyed children in.This woman and her husband lived alone.One night,they are awoken by a loud banging on their door.When they opened the door,they saw a young girl and a young book standing there.They were just staring at the ground.They felt very uneasy so they asked them"Where are your parents?"These kids said"They will be here soon,can we come in?The woman and her husband were looking at each other and they finally allowed them to come in.So the woman went to the kitchen to make hot cocoa and her husband went to the living room.He was trying to communicate with them to get out more information out of them.The woman noticed that her cat was acting very weird.Usually,her cat is very friendly but this time she was just staring at them and growling very lowly.So the woman took the hot cocoa and went to the living room.Then she noticed that her husband was having his hands on his head.He said "I am feeling really dizzy."So the woman went to the children and gave them the hot cocoa.Then for the first time they looked up and their eyes were complete black."May we use the restroom?"they said.The woman nodded and they went to the hallway.Then the woman turned to her husband and said "Did you looked at their eyes?"Her husband lifted his head up and his nose was bleeding.Just then ,the power went out.She started thinking about the presence of these children.So the woman went to the bathroom to get some tissue but these 2 children were standing there."Our parents are here"said these children.So they went out from the door and left it wide open.The woman saw 2 tall men standing there.The woman waved at them but they didn't react.So 4 of them get into the car and drove away.The power came back after half an hour later but everything didn't went back to normal.3 of their 4 cats went missing and one night they found their cat dead in the puddle of its own blood.Her husband continued to have nose bleeds and when he went to the doctor.he was diagnosed with very aggressive type of skin cancer.The woman also started to have nose bleeds and felt very dizzy and many things also happened but she refused to disclose it.

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