that son of a B**** (you belong with me- taylor swift)

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It's a relief to feel the cool air rush around me as we walk out of Mrs. Munoz class. She's quite old and likes the temperature fairly warm. And while we walked to 6th period I kept thinking If i should ask out Alexandra, it caused quite a fuss with josh which is why i didn't tell my other good friend Noah because i was afraid of how he would react. I was still thinking about this when all of a sudden i spot alex and her friend sarah A.K.A the hotty.  she is wearing a pair of dark blue converse a striped blue t-shirt and some skin tight skinny jeans but all in all she is beautiful. they are talking about who knows what.

but at that moment i was deciding weather i should go for alex or sarah. after a couple seconds (quick right?!) I realize that alex was nice and all but  josh was right i would rather have a hot girlfriend than a nice one.

''thump, thump, thump'' went my feet as i stepped on the metalic platform that leads to the classroom. just as soon as i get inside my eyes scan the room for alex and sarah. i soon spot them, I then nudge Noah to tell him going in the direction of the girls. He starts following me. ''showtime'' i whisper to myself.


My heart is racing, my pulse pounding and my palms sweating as i see matthew heading our way. I didnt know what to say because after that awkward converstaion earlier i wasen'tsure i was able to talk to him, right now, but what happens next shocks me. Instead of coming to talk to me he sits right across from sarah. At first i don't think anything of it but then thats were things make a big turn.

Evan after 15 whole minutes he still hasen't taken his eyes off sarah, then later they are both as red as a cheery tomato and not from laughing but from BLUSHING -_-. I finally piece it together and realize holy crap shes trying to take away matt too, that son of a B**** !! and then i remember OMG she dosen't know ( that i like matt). but how should i tell her and now!!......... A NOTE!!!! I get my notebook slap it on my desk and start writing in it furiously ALEX: hey looks like you and matt hit it off well, i rip out the note fold it in half and hand it to her i literally have to open her hand and shove it her hand for her to notice. A minute passes and she hands back the note and goes back to talking to mathew. -yah but he is not my type *vomit*- I read it over and over to myself but realize I still can't  trust her so I write back  -well can i tell you something i kinda like him - after i hand it to her and she reads it  she turns around and says ''seriously?'' ''seriously!'' i say half laughing thinking whats so hard to believe.


after leaving 6th period with alexandra she explains everything, from the awkward conversation to liking matthew. Evan though shes my friend I can see why she kept that secret and i also realized that I had probably made her jealous hanging out with matt and all so I decided to back off and let her have her moment. After all this we embraced with a ''im sorry '' hug ..........'' i have to go ''  alex whispers  suddenly ''ohh, ok I'll see you tomorrow !!'' I yell as she runs of to meet Delilah.


''hey Delilah wanna walk home together ?'' ''sure'' she responds in her usual energenic/ friendly way.'' so how was your day'' i ask '' oh same oh same oh lots of homework.'' we look at each other then break into a fit of giggles. ''so how is it going with and-'' ''andrew?'' i respond finishing her sentence. ''yea'' '' well you remember sarah right?'' she nods ''well it seems that andrew has a thing for her.'' Dilihlia's energetic and friendly face soon turns to a sad puppy dog face. '' im so sorry'' she whispers looking at her feet while we walked ''ehh'' there is silence the rest of the way. when we reach my house i wave and say ''bye'' ''bye'' she responds then starts walking to her house.

As soon as i step inside i am greeted by yelling and screaming in the living room, I walk slow so my mom dosen hear me " look what you did first you ruin this, then you ruin my whole life, you always ruin everything, if it wasent for you and your sister your dad would still be here." but she yells (of course i know thats not true.) i hear a slap, then the crys of Abey.

I don't dare look because i can't stand seeing her cry. 'oh suck it up you little twerp'' I then hear the shuffle of feet , the jingle of keys, and the slam of the door. I rush over to Abey, her head is in her legs and i Hear the constant cry and sniffle. ''abey what happened '' i ask '' mom-mom-mommygo-got ma-mad at meeefor bre-bre-breakingthedvd player'' she says crying evan harder, she said  it all so fast I hardly catch it all.

''abey look up let me see how bad it is she lifts her head up in shame, her eyes and nose are runny from crying and she has a big red hand mark across her face from  where mom struck her.

''at least she didn't have her ring on'' i say she nods and since im her sister i know exactly what she wants ''wanna play dollies?'' ''can i be ken?'' she asks , i laugh ''sure''.

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