3: Change of Plans

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“Where the hell are you?” my mom asks and I groan running as fast as I can across the road, trying to get away from the music

“I’m at Gabe’s right now, Des and I didn’t have some of the notes he did we came over here to get them!” I explain trying to block out the music in the back ground.

“It’s close to ten, Kathryn, are you going to be home soon?” she asks worriedly, but still obvious that she’s angry. That’s one thing that I don’t like about my mom. She’s so freaking judgmental

“Yeah, we might be a bit late though, maybe around one?” I ask still blocking out the music that could probably still be heard.

“Okay, one that’s it, Kathryn, I mean it,” she says sternly

“Okay,” I say. We say our goodbyes and then I walk back over to Destiny.

“How did that go?” Destiny asks loudly as we approach the very loud house.

“Actually good,” I yelled back as we entered the house. The smell of alcohol, and sweat was obvious. Looking out into the crowd of people multiple multi-colored lights flashed in different directions, people were grinding all over each other, or making out.

“You want a drink?” Destiny asks from beside me and I shrug, why the hell not have a beer?

“Sure,” I smile and follow her into the kitchen, the music becoming quieter, and the smell of alcohol stronger. Although I don’t like the smell of beer, I pick one up and unscrew the top, pressing it to my lips and swallowing the cool liquid. It’s been a while since I’ve last drank, if you call 2 weeks a while, but in my world, I do. Destiny picks up a red cup, pouring vodka and a couple of warheads in it which is supposed to make it taste good. She smiles and lifts her cup to me. I tap the rim of the beer against her cup making a slight clink noise.

“Cheers to a good ass night,” she smiles

“Cheers,” I reply tipping my head back and finishing off the beer. I set it on the counter and pick up a cup and fill it with the same thing Destiny has and take a sip.

“What now?” I ask looking around the mostly empty kitchen. Gabe standing in the corner flirting with some skinny blonde girl, a red cup in both of their hands

“We dance,” she smiles opening the door again leading us out to a sea of people, the bass blasting in our ears so loud I can’t even recognize the song.

We maneuver our way through the people and find an openish space to dance. My hands go up and I sway my hips to the music, I feel someone come up from behind me and I start grinding against them, not even caring who it was because I was so lost in the music. My hips sway, and move in circles then figure eights. I drop, and then move back up and then I recognize the song that just started playing.

“I just wanna show ya how much I appreciate you,” Beyoncé sings through the speaker. A perfect song to get down to, “Wanna show you how much I’m dedicated to you, wanna show you how much I’ll be forever be true,” I start grinding my hips slower against him, but hard. I step away from him slightly because the dance floor has slightly cleared up and I start moving my hands over my hips, then my chest and up my neck to my hair before I lean over and spin my head in a circle and turn around again, my back facing him. I drop to a crouching position and start moving my hips in a circle again and I kiss him lightly as the song ends.

Obviously, the drinks got to me, and as the night passed, I forgot about my curfew, I forgot about pissed off parents, I forget about underage drinking and I just have fun. Grinding against whoever wants it, dancing alone if I have to, and going back for countless refills, by this point I couldn’t walk straight, but I didn’t care. Everyone was leaving or passing out or going upstairs to get it on and it was getting pretty slow. Destiny has gone somewhere and I want to leave.

I grab my cup on the counter and toss the rest of my shot down my throat before standing up from the bar stool and walking towards the door. I step out into the cool air, and pull my phone from my bra, 3:44, shit mom said 1? Hell, I don’t even care. I stumble down the barely lit sidewalk, and reach down, pulling my heels off since I can’t walk very well with them, but don’t walk that good without them either. I keep walking, occasionally getting strange looks from the people who stay up late or early risers. The people standing on their porches as I get closer to town, cigarettes pressed to their lips as they inhale. I notice the neighborhood becoming more familiar and I’m thankful that there aren’t many turns between mine and Gabe’s houses otherwise I’d probably be insanely lost.

My house in the distance, only a few meters away, as I cross the street avoiding the car driving past. I get up to the yard, and quietly walking up the creaky porch avoiding the creaky areas as much as possible. I attempt to open the door quietly, but failing as I see my dad sitting in the chair and my mom sitting on the couch. Pissed off looks on their faces and I know that I’m in deep shit. I try standing still, but stumble due to the drunkenness

“We said one, Kathryn!” my dad yells, “If we say one we mean it!” he yells

“Okayy,” I slur smirking a drunken smirk.

“Are you drunk?!” My mom yells, now that’s something that I don’t hear often, my mom doesn’t usually yell. But as they yell at me, I don’t pay attention. Change of plans, I’m leaving tomorrow


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter I really liked writing it:) and yeah so ermmm idk what to say! Its 12:14 and I have a game tomorrow and I have to be up at like 10 lol oh well, it's only a scrimmage it'll all be good. Anywho, I'll talk to y'all later! LOVE YOU GUYS!! :) xx <3

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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